Chuck Norris vs. A Little Person!

Event Date

Jan 20, 2020

9 PAX (Van Dam wasn't in the system) braved the bitter cold to break a sweat and kick off the week strong. Three PAX ran #TheStandard. It went a little something like this.


We snaked our way through the parking lot, sprinkling in some butt kickers, high knees and quadrophilia. Circled up by the pull-up bars and did SSH, IST, toy soldiers, carrot pullers, windmills, slow deep squats (all X10 IC ).


Once we were warm, or at least as warm as we were going to get on a day like today, we grabbed some blocks and got to work. We started off with squats, curls, shoulder press, skull crushers (all X10 IC) and then put it all together with some 8 count body builders X5 IC. To keep the PAX warm, and protect the PAX's delecate hands from the cold blocks, YHC sprinkled in Rocky Balboa's in between each exercise. Once complete we ran a lap down to the cars and back.

Repeato except we swapped in some Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks instead of Rocky Balboa's (More on that in the moleskin). Run a lap, and then repeato one more time.

To shake things up a little on our last lap we stopped at the furthest aisle to do some 'Mericans X10 IC, sprint across the aisle.

Move over to the next aisle for some slow deep squats X10 IC, quadrophilia down that aisle.

Slide on down to the next aisle etc. Repeato until back up at the top.

Finish off with a circuit of Rocky Balboa's, Chuck Norris roundhouse, jump squats X5 OYO, repeato, blocks away.

We moseyed on down to the benches for a quick circuit of dips X10 IC, incline 'Mericans X10 IC, repeato both (hands wider on the 'mericans) Then headed over to the cars for a little Mary.


We circled up did some LBC's with right leg extended X10 IC, flapjack for left leg. Then some low flutters, low dolly, recovery recover.



– It was great to see so many PAX out on a frigid morning like this, YHC was half hoping for no shows and excuse to get coffee, but the PAX kept me honest.

-We proved it was still possible to break a sweat in sub 20 degree temps!

– DISClAIMER: the mumble chatter reported in this back blast was in no way intended to be derogatory towards the vertically challenged, just some mumble chatter in the sucky frozen gloom.

– towards the end of the first round of Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks, some of the PAX's legs weren't getting quite so high, and one of the PAX commented that this must be what it feels like to "fight a midget in karate". This opened the door for several rounds of jokes and general comments about Chuck Norris fighting little people, which may have spilled over into some of the merry exercises as well, you'd have to be there to know more.

– All in all solid work on a brutally cold morning, great job all!