Chumbaburpee and Cinderblock fest

River Monster 2-15-16Well we all made it safe and sound to the River Monster through the trechourous weather!  Just as we got started my phone pinged indicating CMS was cancelled.  Wasn’t sure if that was good or bad news for the Pax.  Here’s how YHC got my first Q at this new AO off to a burpee good time!  I also debuted the suitcase speaker today in Davidson.  I checked decibel levels and all was good to not create havoc in River Run.  Although about 3 cops drove by 5 times during the workout.   WarmoramaChumbaburpees – during the one hit wonder song Tubthumping, every time they say “I get knocked down but I get upon again…” we do a burpee.  27 burpees later, we were warm!  The ThangAscending Curb Crawl X 10 ( bear crawl to one side of lot and do one incline merkin.  Best crawl back for two incline merkins.  Up to 10).  Chest is now on fire.CinderblocksColt “30s” IC (10 low, 10 high and 10 full curlsCB Swings 20 OYOCB lawnmower pulls 10 e/arm OYOCurls X 20 IC Deep Block Merkins X 10IC recover then 5ICFarmer Carry two blocks up and back entire lot.  Wow, shoulders and forearms were fried.  Ty Webb decided to jog so I had to draft him as much as I could.  He’s a beast!Mosey to bottom of hill Quadrophillia up, mosey back down, Crawl Bear up.  CinderblocksLouis Zamporinis With CB until YHCs arm falls asleep.  About 2 minutes.Lion Kings X 15 ICLat pull overs on 6 X 10 ICCB squats X 10 IC20 Curls ICBlocks backSprints X 4Airborne mindbender ( YHC needed to catch breath!)MoleskinThanks to Wingman for allowing me to Q this new great AO.  There are now 20 Cinderblocks there so have an opportunity to build da guns! Thanks to Swede, Limberger, and Ty Webb for going off the beaten path and joining us in Davidson for a classic Ditka CB smokefest.  Ty, I’ll make sure to have Hall and Oats Q’d up next time.Speaking of Ty Webb, when I heard Ty breathing a little heavier during workout, I know YHC is doing da Pax a favor and getting the blood flowing and muscles bigger!  Ty is the benchmark!Nice work Swede!  For only a short time doing this F3 thang, you’re catching on quickly.  You’re name can no longer be your longtime nickname, “unfit Eric.” Doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger!The boys who rucked pre-0530 are beast! Limberger, you need to see a gastroenterologist ASAP!  It’s not normal to hear the noises out of a human that frequently! Thanks to the entire Pax for coming out today.  I hope your muscles are sore tomorrow and the next day!  If not, I’ll turn up the heat next time.  Thanks BagBoy for taking us out today in perfect fashion!Personal note – I asked the Pax to pray for my Aunt who went to hospice this weekend.  Unfortunately she passed away this morning at 0700.  Long lifetime of 74 years with MS, but lived an amazing life!