Chumbawamba Burpees – “I get knocked down…”

Great showing at Da Sword today!  31 STRONG built their muscles today plus YHC.  32 at the Sword is a big group to keep happy, while fighting through the mumblechatter – namely Pierogi, Lego, 9-Lives and a few others.  Magnum was there today too, and it was great seeing you again!  Adding your name to F3 Isotope Pax listing above soon. Strategically placing myself near the speaker allows me to drown out some of the chatter to keep my cadence counts in check.  Thanks again to Denver for bringing the clown car with 6 Pax, and congrats for grabbing the Ghost Flag!  And to the first time FNGs (Bob and Eric), great job today and see you again soon in the gloom so we can give you a name!  And for Lego's "The Standard" (more about that false advertising below) crew which was 8 or so… #betterthanme  Very strong showing guys!  
  • Mosey around lot
  • Grab a rock
  • Mosey around lot with rock overhead
  • Run to back of lot by pull up bars and circle up
Da Thang
  • Chumbawamba Burpees – Music  = "Chumbawamba" (their only song)
    • ?Burpee done every time the words, "I get knocked down, but I get up again" are said.  Total = 27 burpees to get the heart rate up.
  • Rock workout – Music = Scorpions "Rock You Like A Hurricane"  (get it…"Rock" for the rock workout…).
    • Curl to Overhead Press – 20 IC
    • Skull Crushers – 15 IC 
    • Move one spot to left
    • Deltoid Raises – 10 IC
    • Curl to Overhead Press – 20 IC
  • Partner Up (split into 2 groups and go to corners) 
    • Partner 1 – Sprint 40 yards and back.
    • Partner 2 – Wide Merkins until partner returns
    • Flap Jack
    • Repeato
  • ?Back to rocks – Music = Rocky Theme Music + "Eye Of The Tiger"
    • Partner 1 – Lion King's with Rock
    • Partner 2 – Sprint 80 yards and then back
    • Flapjack
    • Repeato
  • Carry Rocks to Wall of Pain – Music = Pink Floyd "Another Brick On The Wall Part 2"
    • People's Chair Shoulder press with Rock X 20 IC
    • Balls to Walls (held this one for a while…lots of moaning and groaning while YHC repeatedly yelled "HOLD IT…HOLD IT…" until I gave out.
    • People's Chair Rock Curl
  • Return rocks – some are hoping for Mary at this point…but on we go….
  • Mosey to woods – Music = The Who – "Who Are You"
    • Monkey bars x 2 (1 forward and 1 backwards
    • Partner 1 – Australian pull ups (thanks Lego for fixing the bar today) 10 IC
    • Partner 2 – Cinderblock Swings 10 IC
    • Flapjack
  • Mary for sure now, right? – nope, on we go…
  • Sprints 80 yards – Music = Vangelis "Titles" – you know this as "Chariots of Fire" music
  • Backwards sprint top of lot
  • Sprint 80 yards
  • Sprint around front of lot curve.
  • Mary Plank for 45 seconds
  • Recover Recover


  • First BS came early as YHC made the Pax run (more of a jog) around the lot with the rock above the head.  2 of you beasts (Limberger and Lego) decided to grab the Cinderblocks.  #lessonlearned  I heard 9-Lives and Contra referencing some F3 disclaimer language referencing the clause stating there is no running with rocks. #thatwasnotinQschool so until then, Ditka runs with rocks!
  • DenverF3 representing strong today.  Thanks guys for coming out and crossing the AO "lines" and checking out some action here in Huntersville.  Spread the word, it's a great AO with lots of options for a creative Q.  We will have to return the favor and head to Denver soon.  FNGs (Bob and Eric) – you guys kicked butt today and if I didn't know any better, you've been in F3 for a while now!  Maybe a reflection of your inner beast, or a wimpy Q by me today.
  • The Chumbawamba Burpee fest was a great start to the workout.  While it's arguabley the worst song known to man, the "I get knocked down…but I get up again…" is perfect for burpees!  You are welcome Contra for satisfying your sick need for burpees.  27 burpees should have been satisfactory for you.  BamBam indicated I should have closed with another round of this song again.  #nexttime
  • I was glad to be close to the speaker today as I could hear Pierogi spouting off mumblechatter very early on during he burpees, but I didn't get all of it.  Besides, once we hit the burpee rhythm of the song where we do 12+ in a row, everyone including Pierogi got quieter.  It's always a good sign after the first exercise when folks start counting like we are in the COT! #goodproblemtohave as the Q.
  • For those who like to run (BamBam, Lego, Ty Webb, Silverbullet, and other speed demons), hope you were somewhat satisfied with the sprints throughout today's workout.  Sprints are always a great way to take one's breath away just enough to make anyone, even you speed demons, want a break.  
  • The Wall of Pain was extra special today with a lot of groaning and moaning today, especially with the Balls To The Walls.  Someone asked if my music playlist takes me hours to put together (i.e., Another Brick In The Wall – for today's "Brickwall" of pain), and YHC's response – no, this music thing comes naturally.  I was deemed the "DJ" back in my freshman year of college, and it has stuck with me since.  The balls to the walls was a dandy today, especially right after People's Chair with 20 IC shoulder presses.  
  • With another day as the Q at LFC, you will know I've made it pretty obvious I will leverage all aspects of this amazing AO, but the Monkey Bars in particular.  Besides them being the best set of any AO I've been to, there is always at least one Pax member who makes it across the whole way for the first time.  Well, we had at least one today (Raven), and I am sure some others as well.  FNG (Eric) ROCKED the bars today and showed he's got skillz to come back for his second posting in short order!  
  • Lego's "Standard" tweet yesterday implying the Pax would be doing some "Obstacle Course Race" was just that…not a "Standard" but an OBC that well…could have just been the workout today.  You guys rocked it, and kudos for then enduring the full body workout afterwards.  You are stronger today than yesterday!  

Announcements – follow @SweetC_F3 for all the information, and find more at as well.  

Prayers for RamRod for the loss of his 91 year old grandma.  Married 68 (i think that's right) years…WOW, that is amaizing.

And finally, thanks to all of you for coming out this morning and making yourself and those around you stronger – physically, mentally and spiritually!  F3 is so much more than just a "workout" group who meets at ridiculous times of the morning, but a group that makes you realize us guys are all in this same boat, called LIFE.  And while each of us experience different types of waves and inclement weather out at sea, know that we are all here to support each other when the sea does get rough, and know that God is right there willing to lend a hand at any point in time!  Sometimes you just need to ask for The Hand.  All of us have our own reasons/stories for why we took the F3 Path, and know that there many more "like us" out there who need F3.  Whether it is just for the fitness, the fellowship, and/or the faith…it doesn't and shouldn't matter, we are all here for our own reasons and one way or another, make us feel (physically, mentally and spirtually) better and be better leaders, fathers, husbands and overall, better human beings.  

Personal "Word" for the New Year – A fellow F3 member inspired me to stop with the ever-failing New Year's Resolution, and pick a word for 2016.  So, that is what I have done…as has every member of my immediate family (M and three 2.0 boys).  My word for 2016 is "Focus."  There are so many times where I think, or even act, like I am paying attention to my kids, wife, family, friends needs, conversation, etc or doing the best I can to give them 100% of my focus at a given time…but in reality my mind is wandering elsewhere.  Call it A.D.D….or whatever else you want to call it, but with all the distractions in life (work, cell phone, computers, TV, social media, etc., etc., etc.) it's often times tough to stay focused on what's really important to other people in your life (not getting on your phone during your kid's soccer game or when he's trying to tell you something after school, surprising your wife with a date night, making a surprise dinner for the family, paying it forward to someone who needs a meal more than you do, random acts of kindness, and more).  I get into the trap of "saying" I am going to do all this stuff, and the distractions leave me wandering and never executing on "focusing" on what I NEED (not want) to do to improve my life and the life of others around me.  Take it for what it's worth, but I would encourage you to consider doing the same…it's already made a difference in my life and I am only 4 days in!

All The Best – Ditka (the wanna be DJ)