Cin D. Block hits NightRanger for 5.5 Rounds

FNG-1 = Yogi
FNG-2 = Bondo

7:15 pm on a balmy Wednesday with the Occasional downpour of rain and Camp Gladiator on the 3rd deck…11 pax ventured forth despite a one work #pb. Here is their story:

Warm O'Rama

  • SSH X25 IC  – mostly waiting for the floor walkers to stop ogling CG on the 3rd deck

The Main Thang

  • 12 Cinderblocks were waiting in a circle for delivery of the promise of the pre-blast
  • The work was broken up into two different rounds of exercises seperated by running a lap.
  1. Round 1 – 3 – 5
  • Cinderblock – 8 Count burner X12 IC
  • Cinderblock – Hip bridge chest press X20 IC
  • Cinderblock Curls X10 IC
  • Cinderblock weighted crunch X20 OYO
  • Cinderblock standing side crunch X10 L/R OYO
  • Roound 5 – added low curl before full curl X10
  • Run a lap up to 4 and take stairs down
  1. Round 2 – 4 and half of 6
  • Cinderblock squat and overhead press X12 
  • Cinderblock lawnmower l/r X10 OYO
  • Bent over row X10 IC
  • Cinderblock flutter – just hold high X20 IC
  • Round 3 – added Cinderblock taps to left, on top, on right X10 OYO

Put the blocks away

Recover Recover

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • There was zero air movement downstairs so it got sticky
  • YHC was fried in Round 6 asn gasping for air.   My Q juice was shot by that point
  • Crocs, Camelback and Pit Stop walked the floors of DPK, Something jogged them for a standard
  • Good to see Swanson and Yogi killing it and enjoying their company.  it was my mothers 91st birthday and she suffers from dementia so it was sweet to see a father son enjoying that moment
  • PitStop and Something are relentless in the old 'recover' 'what?' joke
  • Camelback put in work and I highlighted how dirty I got his bright yellow sweatshirt
  • Bush is in great shape and handled it all easily.  
  • Bondo loved the workout and appreciated the variety
  • The most awesome surprise was Camel walking in and joining us.   Its good to see him on the road to recovery
  • For a man who 'can't run' Freedom sure was at the front of the pack
  • The music was a curated Metal and 90s angry Hip Hop which raised some questions about my DJ skills