Cinco De Fun at The Dragon Slayer

We started quickly for Cinco De Fun at the Dragon Slayer (really nothing related to Cinco in any way)

Mosey to corner of lot near baseball field


  • No counting so i could explain the WOD's
  • SSH and Cotton Pickers

The Thang:

  • Partner 1 starts with KB in each hand and does 15 Thrusters (Squats to overhead press) and does 20 Burpees.  
  • Partner 2 starts running to pull up forest and does 5 dead hang pull ups and 5 toes to bar then continues running on parking lot long way around the baseball field.  Maybe 400 Meter run or so?
  • FLAPJACK and REPEAT 3 Rounds

Grab all the KB's and make it to corner of GCC by the benches and tables

  • 10 Merkins, crawl forward
  • 10 Incline Merkins, crawl forward a bit
  • 10 decline merkins
  • 20 KB Swings with as much weight as possible
  • 40 full step ups (20 inch or so)
  • 20 dips 
  • Sprint 150 yards
  • Spring back 150 yards


  • grab a KB and do 10 V-UPs with KB
  • Plank for 10 seconds
  • Low plank for 10 seconds (down merkin position)
  • Plank for 10 seconds
  • low plank for 10 seconds
  • Plank for 10 seconds
  • 10 V-Ups with KB

Recover Recover


  • Great work by all, these workouts WOD's are meant to push us and keep us going hard and everyone pushed hard today
  • Very little chatter that i could hear
  • the numbers are growing at Dragon Slayer, not sure if it's the weather, but hope it's also that the workouts are pushing everyone a little harder
  • Thank you all for coming out…maybe we can get Ditka to show up here on a Tuesday or Thursday someday???  Hello, Ditka??? 

Thanks for taking us out Springfield.  Prayers for Dajon, starting cancer treatment today.