Cinco de KB

Event Date

May 04, 2018

Warm Up

20 x SSH IC

20 x Monkey Humpers IC

20 x Pickle Pounders IC

20 x Reverse Pickle Pounders IC

Indian Run parking lot lap w/ KB – 2 merkins at back and sprint to front to retrieve KB

The Thang

10 IC Hold Squats

10 IC Skull crushers

10 IC Dead lift

10 IC Press

1 minute Plank

10 IC Rock Curls

10 IC Thrusters

10 IC Overhead C

20 IC Overhead chinooks

10 IC Lunges alternating legs

10 IC Hold Squats

10 IC Skull crushers

10 IC Dead lift

10 IC Press

82 seconds KB overhead hold

10 IC Rock Curls

10 IC Thrusters

10 IC Overhead C

10 IC Lunges


20 x Low flutter IC

20 x low dolly IC

Around the horn Mary

10 IC KB merkin

20 IC monkey humpers

20 IC LBCs

10 IC KB ‘Merica hammers


Romans 5:3-5 NLT


“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”


The joy of being a Christ following is not the freedom from the struggles of life but the power of the Spirit to endure


  • cinco amigos publicados para obtener un poco de amor kb

  • I had something else planned for today but partner in crime couldn’t post so switched it up. Will save for another day.

  • Overhead C – you're welcome

  • Miranda bum leg and all, kills the SSHs

  • Clark shows for a rare KB post and makes it apparent that he isn’t a fan of the last 5 monkeyhumpers

  • Mater recalls why it is so important to face outward during picklepounders

  • Stitches has been censored, he knows why