Cinco De Mayo Doesn’t Make For a Good WarmUp

FNG-1= D Squared 

8:30pm YHC realzies the Q is open for today and decides to be the solution to such a "problem" 

5:29 Pax roll in 
5:30 We begin 


  • SSH-5-IC 
  • TS-5-IC 
  • GM-5-IC 
  • EST-5-IC 
  • WM-5-IC 
  • CHS-5-IC 
  • Right / Left and flapjack 
  • Down the Middle 
  • Arm Circles in every direction 

mosey to the track for THE THANG: 

  • 5 Laps Around the track: 
    • Mosey the turns 
    • Sprint the straight aways 
      • Corner One: 5 Burpees 
      • Corner Two: 5 Lunges(2 is 1) 
      • Corner Three: 5 Merkins 
      • Corner Four: Squats 
  • Stair Sprints x5 


  • Community Abs: 
    • ?D-Squared: WW1-5-IC 
    • Crabby Patty: American Hammers-5-IC 
    • Sparrow: Shoulder Taps-5-IC 
    • Thrift Shop: LBCs-5ish…-IC kinda…
    • ThunderClub: Freddie Mercury's-5-IC 
    • Bertha: Pretzel Crunches-5-IC and Flapjack 
    • Clark: Dr. W's-5-IC 
    • YHC: Dying Cocroach-5-IC 
  • Repeado x3 

Recover Recover


17 But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion's mouth. 2 Tim 4:17

Mumble Chatter: 

  • Prayers up for Mater and the entire Landrum Family 
  • Prayers to Broke, Zippy, Hefty, and all of our wounded PAX 


  • Thrift Shop tried some special Cinco De Mayo cadence in Mary and it did NOT land with the PAX 
  • All PAX voted 5 Side Strattle Hops was not enough….well all but Clark 
  • YHC was proven right when convincing ThunderClub that a 30% chance of rain actually meant a 70% chance of no rain 
  • Sparrow was born to count allowed, that man is phenomenal 
  • Bertha points out that unlinke Einhorn and Finkle everyone has seen Iron Horse and his weight vest in the same place 
  • Crabby Patty taught us that the Baltimore Orioles like all 18 year olds start fast and spin out faster 
  • D Squared works too hard to not get credit, lets get him signed up 


Always a pleasure to lead and serve you men, enjoy your Cinco De Mayo. Go support Shaker if you can! 

God Bless and Laces Out! 



