Cindy was strong today and we know more about each other

Additional Pax: Bandwagon and Iron City (get your names in Pax).  

After yesterday's VQ from Limburger at the same AO, I needed to move around the AO a bit today for what turned out to be a full body workout.  Great job today by the men of F3!


  • Mosey around lot for a while to front grass area
  • SSH with a Burpee every 3rd (3rd F or F3…get it?) SSH.  Lost count but something like 26 SSH IC.

Da Thang:

  • Ascending Curb Crawl (Ditka's latest and greatest version) – AC/DC Back In Black to get us started, with some Hall and Oates to finish us up)
    • Bear crawl to one side, 1 burpee
    • Frog jump to other, 2 Derkins
    • Repeato going back and forth 10 times and up one excersise each time. 
    • That's 25 burpees and 30 derkins – and we just got started.
  • Sprint to front of Monkey Bar entrance (while playing Chariots of Fire theme music as we run)
  • One round of backwards Monkey Bars
  • Grab a Cinder Block (CB)
  • Circle up for Louis Z. – a special edition that is
    • Standing around saying nothing is boring, so today, starts a new tradition by Ditka.  We went around while the pax held the 30lb block overhead, and we each said our F3 Name, and how we got our F3 name.  We hear these names daily, but many of us don't know why.  Well, now we know.
    • Summary of some: Limburger – cause he stinks like Limburger cheese, Caboose – works for Carrier and it's a competitor, Ty Webb – likes golf and guy from Caddy Shack, Bunyan – cut he likes chopping wood (that's what she said), Raven – Steeler's fan, United – works for Sunbelt Rentals, Scrappy – just because he's just that…scrappy, Bam Bam – cause someone couldn't come up with anything better while he was tossing rocks around and he looked like Bam Bam from The Flinstones, Travolta – likes to dance, Overbudget – construction business so always overbudget, Elmers – broke something at AO and had to fix it, Binary – software engineer, Magnus – after strongest man guy, Billy Bob – a dentist from WV…what else would it be?  There are more…but i need to move on…  Of course, we still couldn't tell you their first names if we saw them at Harris Teeter!
  • Bring CBs to parking lot (Cult of Personality, Rocky Theme Music, and The Who…with a hint of Eminem at the end)
    • CB Swings X 25 OYO
    • Sprint around circle to wall
    • Balls To The Walls – till guys started collapsing (that's usually my sign to call recover)
    • Mosey back to CBs
    • CB Swings X 25 OYO
    • Sprint to Pull Up Bars
    • CDD X 10 IC
    • Sprint Back to Blocks
    • On your 6 Lat Pull Overs with CB X 10 IC
    • Carry blocks to wall
    • People's Chair with CB Shoulder Press X 10 IC
    • People's Chair with CB Curl X 10 IC
    • Circle Up – 10 Blockee's (Burpees with a 30lb CB press) #smoked
    • Back to entrance of Monkey Bars – set blocks down
    • Sprint to Pull up bars
    • Sprint Back
    • Take CBs back to woods
  • Mary
    • Plank 1 minute
  • Recover Recover


  • A full AO and body workout today.  Sprints are the key to getting your heart rate up and then letting it come back down for exercise with CB.  And repeat X again, and again…
  • Great job by all today! And it was great getting to know the origin of everyone's F3 name today (if we skipped to Moleskin – read above under the Louis Z.'s).
  • Scrappy is still fast, but Ty Webb, Bunyan, and Bam Bam gave him a run.  Although fastest bear crawl goes to Scrappy.
  • Limburger made it back out after only 3 hours of sleep the night before his VQ yesterday, and 6 hours last night.  Strong…but I'd expect nothing less.
  • I finally figured out why my phone ALWAYS dies during COT after playing music – it's the third party voice recorder thinking my phone is dead.  DELETED!  Thanks Limburger for saving me…AGAIN.  Although after learning the origin of names today, i could have done it without the recording.
  • Lot's of huffing and puffing today with sprints, including YHC.  A BS or two…with one being called on the Blockees.  Seriously, those are a beast at the end of a workout.  Next time = 15.
  • If you want to quiet the crowd early, you can't go wrong with the bear crawling ascending curb crawls with my new exercise – the Curpee (Burpee on the curb).  This will shut any Pax down very quickly!  
  • Little scrappy is tired today after humping deuce (Bam Bam's dog) all morning.  Scrappy – find that dog a bitch (a female dog that is)
  • I asked Travolta to take us out today – he's one of the best on the fly "take us home" guys we've got.  Thanks!  

F3 is more than a workout, you guys prove that every single week to me.  After Limburger's speech during yesterday's Samson COT – read it if you haven't – you can't deny this fact!  If you haven't Q'd it's time to make the move.  You'll thank me later!  It changes the way you look at F3.  When you can lead 21 guys for 45 minutes, I dare you to find something much more rewarding you will do during that day.  Now of course you can feed the homeless, etc., which i would encourage you personally to do, but what you do as the Q, is give 21 other guys (not just you) inspiration, energy, and motivation to go be inspiring and motivating to others throughout their day!

Until next time – DJ Ditka, OUT!