Cindy’s Guest Appearance Was An Arm Scorcher

Great showing right before Christmas in preparation for all of the food we will all eat over the next week.  26 strong, including 2 first post FNGs, and YHC.  There were a lot of veteran F3'ers there this morning, which will always get a Q's game face on #dontletthemdown.  We maxed out the upper body today.  Call it a "semi-Samson" workout with some Cinder Blocks to increase the pain meter a bit.  This is what went down at Da Sword…

Warmorama – run around lot to front of church entrance – Disclaimer

  • Standing mountain climbers – Star Wars theme music
  • Imperial Storm Troopers – to Star Wars music (Imperial Storm Trooper theme)
The Thang
  • Descending curb crawl / curbkins: start at 10 curbkins down by one at each curb to 1 curbkin.
    • Bear crawl to one side, lunge to other, repeato
    • Done while playing "Money" by Floyd to make sure people contribute to the @LegoF3 AO fund (i.e., putting in lights, pull up bars, and future expansion of this amazing AO)
  • Partner up for two lines.  
  • Sprint to woods entrance
  • 1 partner runs to pull up bars and does 10 full hang chin ups and partner 2 heads to woods and grabs cinder block and carries to entrance of woods
  • Partner 1 runs back to entrance and grabs block while other partner runs to pull up bars for 10 full hang chin ups
  • Circle up 
  • Circle Burps – go around the circle while chopping feet and each pax when they yell "down" go down for one merkin and back up.  With 27 guys = #brutal.  #calfsburning
  • Devin Hester's – or a version of it
    • Partner one speed walk with block over head 
    • Partner 2 does 10 Carolina Dry Docks in cadence
    • Partner 2 sprint to catch partner 1
    • Flap jack
    • Repeato X 4 – called an audible and did Merkins for last set #shouldersweresmoked
  • Colt 45
    • Partner 1 – plank jacks – 20 IC
    • Partner 2 – 45 CB curls (15 half way up, 15 half way down, 15 full curls)
  • CB swings
    • Partner 1 – Freddie Mercuries 
    • Partner 2 – 25 CB Swings OYO
  • Back to woods – Partner 1 carry block over head, Parter 2 sprint to woods and back to partner.  Flapjack.
  • Monkey Bars X 3 Rounds
    • Forward
    • Backwards
    • Sideways
  • Mary – no time left – Recover, Recover

COT – as I mentioned during the COT, sometimes in life we tend to get off the path God wants us to follow.  In other words, we are not all perfect.  The beauty is, God knows we are not perfect and provides us with opportunities to get back on the right path.  Well, for me the opportunity came in May of this year when F3 came into my life.  That was the opportunity for me to get back on the path, and closer to God.  Mission accomplished thanks to all of you.  


  • With my phone dead (this happens when you don't charge your phone and play music the entire time) MiniMe came to the rescue with his phone and a recorder.  Limburger – need to make sure you have a recorder on your phone for Q's like me who #fail during role call!  
  • Not a whole lot of chatter today – but then again Star Wars, Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen, Nickleback, Metallica, Living Colour, Flo Rida and Karate Kid theme song (for Scrappy) may have drown some of it out.  I think I did hear Travolta put out a slight BS call during the Cinder Block Carries / Carolina Dry Docks.  And when he calls a BS, then I know we are getting smoked – he's a beast!!!!  
  • Speaking of MiniMe, I hadn't seen you in a while and I was very happy to see you there today!   Always great having a veteran F3er and an amazing leader over the past years!  You inspired me during Q School in summer to start up the new AO at The Mighty Oak.  #humbled 
  • So many F3 veterans out there today, too many to name.  #oldschool  Great to see you all out there today!  
  • Speaking of Q'ing – anyone can step up and take "the healm" whether you've been to Q school or not.  If you've been doing F3 for a couple/few months, well then you are ready.  Once you do it, you'll always want to come back for more.  First time is the hardest.  The Master Q's are always needing new guys to step up to the challenge.  It's a great place to be both mentally and physically as the Q.  
  • Tommy Boy implied the Standing Mountain Climbers may have been a little "Richard Simmons-ish."  Okay, I won't argue completely there…but I had to reach back to my Instanity days with Shaun T., and SSH's have been killing my inner ankle lately, so had to improvise.  But you'd have to admit, the IST's with the Imperial Storm Trooper theme music was MONEY!
  • Oh yes…Lego could use an extra few $ if you have some.  He's dug into his own pocket for a lot of what you see at this AO, and he has plans to expand further.  I gave him my share today, and hopefully if you are a frequent visitor of this AO, you can too.
  • Great to see 2 brand spankin' new FNGs out there today!  Hope to see you in the gloom again soon.  
  • Contra – you got your burpees in for the day.  The Circle Burp with 27 guys, that'll get the heart rate up there!
  • Is it K-9 mating season or something?  Or was Little Scrappy just feeling like he could take down Baxter today?
  • The monkey bars at the end of these workouts will wear you out!  3 sets of them on top of it.  Every time I do these, there is ALWAYS at least one guy who says, "that's the first time I made it across…."  We had one today.  Top prize though goes to United!  Dude, you dug deep today.  You inspired everyone, great job.  
  • Good seeing you out there Valet.  Sorry I did not even recognize you until the end of the workout.  I guess everyone tends to look the same in the dark!  Bootlegger – glad you got back at this F3 thang…glad to have you out there again.  You looked like you hadn't taken any time off.  

I wish all of you a great Christmas and safe travels!  And thanks again for all you do, for me, and each other!  
