Circle of Death #ITT

Event Date

Jul 12, 2019

Warm Up

20 x SSH IC

20 x IST IC

Half a Parking Lot Lap back to launch pad because you know it is schoolbellz and we don’t run  

The Thang

Pick a bell, Any Bell – Bertha KB thrown into mix

15x curls OYO Each side

15x KB skull crushers IC

30 x KB Russian Swings OYO

15x KB Copperhead Squats IC

15x KB Sidewinder IC

15x KB squat curls IC

15x KB Russian twist IC

15 x KB Chest Press IC

15 x KB Merkins IC

15 x KB Lunges IC

Round 1 complete so we take the bertha bell up the hill handing off to each other through the line

Repeato KB Exercises with one caveat after Twinkle tries to steal the bertha bell during chest presses from the Q. Instead of moving to next exercise we go around the circle doing 15 KB Chest Presses IC at each bell.



25 x LBCs IC

25 x E2Ks IC flipping half way

25 x Reverse crunches IC


Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


  • I let the PAX know when their titties hurt during the day to think about me

  • Twinkle has a bum knee and still posts, FTW

  • Rebound beasts the workout

  • It Takes Two draws the short straw during round 1