Circle the Wagons KB Style

Event Date

Jan 17, 2020

Circle the wagons – means we go to our right until we get back to our current spot.3 count exercise for Round 1 = Merkins Round 2 = LBC Round 3 = Burpees10 IC SSH3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (mosey)10 IC Cotton Pickers3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (mosey)10 IC Goblet Squats3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (high knees)10 IC Curls R arm3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (butt kickers)10 IC Curls L arm3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (mosey)10 IC Skull Crusher3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (lunge walk)10 OYO KB swings (wait on all to finish)3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (karaoke facing IN circle)10 IC KB Deadlifts3 IC depends on round #Circle the wagons (karaoke facing OUT circle) (Repeat rounds as necessary)Reflection (Recycled, but a good one!)Circling the wagons comes from times of attack, when the wagons were circled for protection. We circle up in fellowship, but all our lives come under attack in one way or another. If one of us is under attack, let all of us provide strength and courage, and remind each other that God is still with us even in hard times.Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (ESV)9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! MoleskinTo my suprise, there really wasn’t much said today. Everyone just showed up and put in the work. Well done!