Circuit Of Pain

Event Date

May 03, 2018


After warding off a myriad of EH’s the prior week, YHC was feeling somewhat frisky and decided to commit to Q Samson…  The night before, the M asked if I knew what I was planning to do…and of course my response was…Not really.  She mentioned that I came a long way from printing out workouts…Yes…I no longer need to hold my Weinke!

I sent a late night #PB with pleasantries to start at 525.  However, who would have though living 2.5 miles away it would take 15 minutes to arrive at Lake Forest Church.  Hey Town of Huntersville, will you fix the sequence of red lights on Gilead Road?!  Oh, and give a damn green arrow at the intersection of Gilead and 115.  Okay Rant over.  YHC promptly arrived at 529.  Fist bumps around.  And away we went.

Warm O Rama

Mosey through this awfully long parking lot mixing in high knees, butt kickers and Karioke.

Circle up by the bars.  Oh look…here comes Mona Lisa right on time…not.  He was all smiles… (Get it)

SSH x15 IC

Cotton Pickers x15 IC

Windmill x15 IC

Merkins x15 IC

Mountain Climbers x15 IC

Toy Soldier x15 IC


The Thang-

Mona Lisa’s arrival changed my so called plans.  Commence Circuit of Pain

Each grabs a block and lines up.  Pax on the end time keeper.  Remaining Pax perform AMRAP at designated stations.


Skull Crushers

Shoulder Press

Chest Press

Upright Row

Cindy Swings

Time Keeper Lunge walk zamporini  style (This was awful)

Repeato same set with timekeeper performing two block farmers carry.

Give the arms a break and take a lap around two islands.

Round three- instead of shoulder press insert block squat.

Time keeper… Broad Jump Burpees to lot and mosey back.  I did go there.


Perfect timing.  Blocks back.  B Line to shovel flag


LBCs x15 IC


Recover Recover

Finally Spring Moleskin


Mona Lisa actually saved the Pax from doing a dirty Dora Olive style with 100 burpee total.  The Pax thanked him!

Mumblechatter was somewhat light today…understandable.

I promised Limburger that I would not call him out for dogging some of the AMRAP when time keeper not even half way so I won’t Limburger.  Shhh our secret.

Uncle Rico is human after all…He needed a two-step break from the zamporini.

This may have been the most arm work that Turn Coat has had in a while me thinkst.

Every time I see Hasselhoff…I can’t help to bust out the SpongeBob line…”And I rode the Hasselhoff”!!! RESPECT brother!

Swede always providing the comic relief…although there was some questionable references about bad breath and…well should have shown to known.




Prayers for Robyn or Robin (unsure of correct spelling) for her procedure and God's Grace.

Motivational speaker at GCC tonight and tomorrow.

Mort Roast on May 25th the the one and only Mort!

YHC took us out.


As always, I appreciate being in the gloom with you men.  Always a great way to start a day and something I personally needed to get myself out of the fartsack. 

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Never Take Anything For Granted.
