Circuit of Suck



A circuit took place. (Spartan Training). Around 2 miles were covered. 

Exercises consisted of:

-20 Squats

-10 Burpees

-50 Yard Backwards Run

-50 Yard High Knees Run

-10 Reverse Crunches

-10 Down Unders

-5 Pull Ups

-1 Merkin Each Step (14 Steps)



-It was humid as hell.

-Burpees were the crowd favorite

-We saw a whiteish colored animal cross the field in the distance. A claim was made that is was a skunk…who knows for sure. Luckily, we never got close enough to find out.

-Not a lot of chatter today. We were too busy trying to breathe the 99% humidity filled air.  

-If you weren’t there you were missed.

