Circuits and CBs

FNG1 Adam.  Apologies to Todo and Nehi who are not  FNGs but didn't find them on Pax list.  Help me out here plz!

Special thanks to my step-son Patrick aka 'Laettner'  F3 Memphis who sent me today's workout.  Based on feedback the Laettner Fan Club probably did not expand.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead today's workout.

Warm Up x 20 reps


 Cotton Picker


I. Stormtrooper 

Jump Lunge


 Circuit around the Parking Lot with 4 stations

Mosey to Station 1,  

OYO 20 Merkins and 20 Squats

'Quadrafilia'  to Sta 2

OYO 20 Lunges and 20 Merkins

Sprint to Station 3

OYO 20 My Boy Bobby Hurleys and 20 Merkins

Mosey to Sta 4

20 Monkey Humpers and 20 Merkins

Mosey to CB pile

IC 20 x Curls, 20 Skull Crushers, 20 Squats

OYO 20 Bench Press, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups 

OYO 20 Blockies 

Return CBs and Mosey to Sta 4

20 BBSU, 20 Merkins

Mosey to Sta 3

20 x Shoulder Taps, 20 x Merkins

Sprint to Sta 2

20x Mtn Climbers, 20 x Merkins

Quadrafilia to Sta1

20 x Pickle Pouunders , 20 Merkins

Mosey toLaunch Pad


IC 20 x Low Flutter, Freddie Mercury, Low Dolly


High Plank for 1 minute


Look at the Silver Linning to the pandemic.  Gives us a chance to spend quality time with family, connect to friends, reach out to someone who we may be angry with and forgive them.  Most of us will live 75 plus years.  Looking back at this 'pandemic that won't go away' from that prospective it is just another one of those blips in our life!