Circuits with Sonar v7.2

Event Date

Aug 13, 2018

FNG-1 is DaboBunny.

11 men for yet another morning with beautiful weather and another edition of Sonar’s Circuit





20 IC    Side Straddle Hops 

20 IC    Mountain Climbers

10 IC    Merkins

10 IC    Imperial Storm Troopers



Circuit consists of a .45 ‘lap’ around the parking lot and practice field with several pain stations along the way.

  • Lunge walk from launch pad to the ‘cattle chute’
  • Quadrophelia up the chute
  • Karaoke to the next chute, switch between right and left halfway
  • Run down the chute to the sidewalk and over to the benches at the flagpole
  • 10 dips at the benches
  • Run around the flagpole and stop at the sidewalk at the gravel road
  • Drop for 10 LBCs
  • Run to the down-under bars for either down-unders (10) or inverted merkins (5)
  • Run to the pull-up bars for pull-ups (5)
  • Run back toward the launch pad and bear-crawl up the steps
  • 10 squats at the top of the stairs
  • Lather, rinse, repeat – as necessary



30 IC    LBCs

10 IC    Dr W 




Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”




  • Squats followed by lunge-walk immediately followed by quadrophelia followed by karaoke seemed to be a crowd-pleaser
  • Saw some awesome efforts begin put forth, as always.
  • Some of us are playing catch-up on workouts – and it shows – but we are making progress.  Keep it going!
  • DaboBunny was out there crushing it and pushing himself hard at the end
  • Crawdad seems to always choose the harder thing and never cuts corners.  Q could (should) learn a lot from that.
  • As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3. 