City Guy goes Country – and people actually followed

My Virgin Q —

Started with a Ghost Flag Pledge of Allegiance and we were off.  Mosey towards entrance to parking lot.  High knees and butt-kickers along the way. 


  • Circle-up and Disclaimer – all F3 veterans present, but Q offered disclaimer about this being a virgin Q.  Mumble Chatter ensued.
  • SSH 20X IC
  • IST 10X IC
  • Cotton Picker 10X IC

The Thang

  1. Mosey over to Bradley Middle School.  Heavy Metal music (Black Sabbath – Iron Man, AC/DC – Dirty Deeds and Ozzy – Crazy Train) still running through our heads as Magnus had tunes cranked prior to starting.
  2. In Bradley Middle School parking lot, circled up for:
    • WW II – 10X IC
    • Low Flutter – 10X IC
    • Mountain Climber – 10X IC
  3. Q explained there might be some wildlife along our upcoming journey.  Might be an issue for a City boy, but no problem for a Country boy
  1. Ran along Jim Kidd Road, planked once touched rock 
  2. 5 Burpees – OYO
  3. LBC 10X IC
  4. Merkin 15X IC (Pax tried to Recover at 10, Q kept them guessing)
  5. Ran back along Jim Kidd Road
  6. Indian Runs through Bradley Middle School parking lot
  7. Ran back to A/O
  8. Shoulder Touch Merkins – (Tribute to Snake Eyes) 10X IC


  1. Appreciate F3 brother Glock joining us from MECA
  2. Tantrum was 'pantsed' during Indian Run.  Those running behind had 'burning eye syndrum' for quite some time afterwards.
  3. Seemed like the Q was channeling Bill Murry from Stripes during cadence counts.  That, or he was just hitting puberty again.
  4. COT – appreciate Magnus taking us out
  5. Huge thank you for the support from my fellow Clown Car brothers.  Even though I was 'voluntold' about this Q, they constiently help to make me a better person.  Special thanks to Magnus for his guidance.  Last but not least, thank you to all the men that took part in Excelsior this morning.  This was a good VQ experience.