Clark had a bear on his leg

Event Date

Sep 21, 2016

11 men emerged into the gloom to get a little stronger. (need mile high and dynamite to register) Here's that story.

warmup o rama

10 seal jacks
10 hand clap side straddle hops
10 zombie kicks
10 windmills
10 mountain climbers
hold – in the spirit of Sonar
15 merkins

Parking lot indian run – back man burpee
back to start

The Thang

Clark was talking about a reported bear sighting on one of his BRR legs.  I guess that inspired me…heh heh heh.

Bear Crawl suicides (3 line suicide)

Round 1
Bear crawl to each line
10 hand clap burpees (aka abram's style) each line
mosey back

Parking lot indian run – back man burpee
to start

Round 2
side ways bear crawl each line
5 180 degree burpees each line
sideways bear crawl back (omaha on second line – mosey back instead)

Round 3
indian bear crawl across parking lot

Parking Lot Indian run – back man burpee

American Hammer – 30 seconds
10 Hallelulah scissor kick
10 wide arm dolly's
15 plank jacks – low plank – kick legs wide and back in
15 High Low Plank Merkins – 5 pushups, to elbows, plank for 10 count, back high – 5 pushups – repeato to 15
American Hammer 60 seconds

Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Nothing is more precious then a child.  As I read stories of harm and death to children, I'm outraged inside.  If there is legacy, a heritage on earth, it is through our children.  Every day with them is so precious as those days are so limited, so rare.  We should be mindful of this truth.  Time with your children is never wasted.


Lots of grunts and groans.

Cheers were found as Q audibled to mosey back on round 2 of sideways bear crawls.  It is a slight incline and the last leg of the suicide is a 100 meter bear crawl.

Near mutiny for the indian bear crawl.  Kudos to the men for sticking to the plan.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.