Clark’s 2 Year Painniversary

Event Date

Feb 17, 2016

Clark’s 2 Year painniversary
My official F3 start day was 2/6/2014.  The title of that MetroDog led beatdown was “What?!? No Merkin”…so obviously today we do some ‘Mericans.  Yeah, we spell it differently now.  Google it and you’ll know why.  But it might be NSFW.

15 IC MC

That was the warm-up I missed on my first workout led by MetroDog 2/6/14.  If I’m anything, I’m consistent with rolling in late.

‘Merican Clock Opps, forgot to do this

Another Clark treat today: as we move from station to station stay on your toes…in other words run on the forefoot, no heel striking.  Sooooooo….stretch the calves a little before moving.  It’s your choice if stay on your toes for any sprints.  Actually, I guess it’s all your choice.  #Disclaimer!

Mosey to the pull-up bar.  2 at a time Pax cycle through
10 pull-ups, 20 ‘mericans, 30 squats x 5 for a mini sMurphette

Mosey over to the rock pile
Grab a Rock or a Block
10 IC Low Curl
10 IC Squat Thrusters
10 IC Skull crushers
Wall run and hop over
10 IC Squatting curl
10 IC Squats w/block overhead
10 IC Skull Crushers
Wall run and hop over
AMRAP Curls, what’s your count? 10s rest
AMRAP Skull Crushers… 10s rest
AMRAP ‘Mericans …10s rest
Wall run …up and over

Mosey back to the launch pad

3 minutes of Burpees to make up for not doing the ‘Merican clock earlier

20 IC FM
10 IC Dr. W's
10 IC Peter Parkers
30 Sec Mason Twist

1 Timothy 6:17-19 Common English Bible (CEB)

17 Tell people who are rich at this time not to become egotistical and not to place their hope on their finances, which are uncertain. Instead, they need to hope in God, who richly provides everything for our enjoyment. 18 Tell them to do good, to be rich in the good things they do, to be generous, and to share with others. 19 When they do these things, they will save a treasure for themselves that is a good foundation for the future. That way they can take hold of what is truly life.



  • AMRAP to finish off the rock work was a real crowd pleaser
  • Much confusion as to why Clark was the first one there
  • Ziplock had his shirt on the right way today
  • Goodwrench exclaims that it’s hot out, and wears shorts, though this is the norm to at least in the 20’s
  • Mulligan made some reference to Crouching Curl, Hidden Dragon.  Maybe he secretly wanted to do dragon walks up the hill.  Sorry it’s too wet for Clark to put his hands on the grass.
  • Abrams posts to his 2nd Mustang workout
  • C#, I think it was C#, lets one rip before IST.  When it doubt, squeeze one out bro!
  • Closer went to work early this morning discussing medical supplies and gets very excited about it.
  • Discussed weekend plans for noon double down / family workout opportunity to benefit Khaleda at Burn in Denver this Saturday
  • Thanks for letting me beat you down today