Clarks 40th birthday extravaganza

Event Date

Aug 14, 2019

What a better way to celebrate the big 4-0 than to give you all the gift of pain. Today is 45 minutes of Clarks favorite exercises


10 IC S-L-O-W Windmills

The Thang

1 lap mosey

Meet at the bottom of the parking lot hill for the Evolution of Man
Dragon Walk Up, Mosey Back
Bear Crawl Up, Mosey Back
Duck Walk Up, Mosey Back
Lunge Walk Up, Mosey Back
Sprint Up, Mosey Back

Head down to the pull-up bars.
Cycle through max pull-ups while PAX does burpees

Head to the rock pile for some triple threat super sets
5 IC Full Curls
5 IC Squatting Curls
5 IC Bent Curls
Run to the wall and back

5 IC Skull crushers
5 IC Close hand 'mericans
5 IC Skull crushers
Run to the wall and back

Repeato the super sets

Return the rocks

Back to the pull-up bar for another round of MAX pull-ups while PAX does burpees

100 yards of pain. 25 bear crawl, 25 lunge walk, 25 burpee broad jump, 25 dragon walk


10 IC of each Low flutter, Low dolly, freddy mercury, Dr. W, peter parkers, LBC


Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

When you are doing something, ensure that you are doing it for God, to glorify God, NOT because you want to make someone else happy. Making others happy should be the by-product. First God, then others, then self! #iamthird

But today #ibeforty


  • Welcome back Crawdad who comes off of IR today in a sweet new Rav-4 Hybrid. Still being careful and modifying as required.
  • Elk Knob gets the only "Hate" today as he was the only PAX under 40
  • Between the aches and pains of myself, C#, Crawdad and Bertha, I think we could have had 2 workouts. those in pain and those that aren't.
  • C# posts on a Wednesday? What? I guess now that dry pond is over he has some motivation to post at 0530.
  • Great to see everyone today. Thanks for joining me.