Cleanup on Parking Lot 1

11 men arrived at the Denver SVU AO to get warmed up on a brisk morning.




25IC Mountain Climbers

15IC Imperial Squat Walkers

Merkin Clock (5IC at the 15’s x 5)

Double hill run



25 Hanging toe touches while partner does block curls/presses/skull crushers (as many as possible). Every time your partner stops do a burpee with a merkin for each rep completed. Swap

25 Australian rows while partner does block curls/presses/skull crushers (as many as possible). Every time your partner stops do a burpee with a merkin for each rep completed. Swap

Repeato with 10 reps


Return to parking lot. Audible (Cleanup SVU Parkinglot) to short hill run with partner doing merkin in parking lot. Swap


6MoM (PAX choice)


20IC Low Flutter (YHC accidentally calls halt at 10IC…oops, but the count went on)

10IC Box Cutters

10IC Dying Cockroach

10IC Freddy Mercury



“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Helen Keller

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Have hope in Christ, he’s still in the business of answering prayers. Be patient in waiting for an answer but prepared to act when the answer comes.



-T-Claps to the early crew for getting in a run and pull-ups before the O’Dark Thirty start.

-WB Animal good to see you, it must have felt like a heat wave compared to Iowa. T-claps for rolling out early on your winter break!

-Lots of groans when warm up went past 20IC, it was all for the good of the PAX. I had to make sure everyone was warm.

-So…figuring out how many merkin with your burpee seemed too much math. The equation: Merkin = Reps your partner did before stopping (pull-ups or Australian rows) and repeating until he completes 25.

-Parking lot fun was planned but YHC called an audible due to the remnants of doggie diarrhea.  6MoM occurred in the well-lit parking lot for the same reason. NOTE to the Thursday crew, there are lots of squishy presents were 6MoM normally occurs.

YHC MetroDog