Climbing Ladders

Event Date

Feb 23, 2017


10 posted to perfect weather at SVU and began climbing ladders to achieve higher pursuits.    (FNG-1 = Spokes).

Warm up:

10 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 9 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 8 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 7 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 6 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 5 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 4 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 3 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 2 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 1 Burpees + parking lot sprint


Pax agreement everyone is warmed up.


Back to the playgroud – grab a 33# block


10 Pull-ups

10 Merkins (IC)

10 Block Squats

10 El Deblocko


Repeat-o @ 9

Repeat-o @ 8

Repeat-o @ 7

Repeat-o @ 6

Repeat-o @ 5

Repeat-o @ 4

Repeat-o @ 3

Repeat-o @ 2

Repeat-o @ 1


Low Plank for 1 minute – Clark is timer


Back to parking lot – Metro notes there’s time for more burpees

 5 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 4 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 3 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 2 Burpees + parking lot sprint

 1 Burpees + parking lot sprint



Proverbs 18:15  “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge“

Where do you get your news?  A weekday edition of the New York Times contains more information than the average person was likely to come across in a lifetime during 17th century England.  And, with today’s technology and 24 hour news cycles, you can tailor your news to your viewpoint.   But should you?

We live in an unprecedented time for information delivery.  Cable, iPhone, Twitter, Facebook; even fake news can be specifically tailored just for you.  All to get your vote, your protest, or maybe your money.  But what are you really learning.  Are you growing your personal self?  Are you better for knowing it?

Today, be intentional about getting local and personal.  Make an effort to get your knowledge from someone in person.  Maybe the older WWII vet you see at the local coffee shop.  Or stop to speak with a coworker or a neighbor you see at the grocery store and really listen to what they have to say.  Get their knowledge.  Not for the purpose of arguing or changing their point of view, just to understand what they have to say.  For many, you may  be the only one who listens to that person’s thoughts today.


Mole Skin:

  • Count totals:

    • Burpees – 76

    • Parking lot sprints – 13

    • Pull-ups – 55

    • Merkins – 110

    • Block Squats – 55

    • El DiBlocko’s – 55

    • Low Plank – 1 minute

  • New opportunity for warm-up today: 55 Burpees and 100 yard total sprints.

  • PAX seemed to enjoy our old way of warm-up.

  • Original intent was to begin the warm-up ladder at 20, the M thought that was crazy.  I think we can work up to it?

  • Another Ladder on the playground – Q was worried about Skipper’s back, but he seemed to do fine.

  • (2) block drops results in 6 extra credit burpees.

  • Potential new rule: If block-drop is intentional, only the dropper has to do Burpees?  What say you Metro?

  • Clark is task with timing Low Plank, but uses a sundial (which is hard since it’s dark!!) That was a long minute.

  • Burpees didn’t agree with Dandelion’s knee, so he gets extra credit for WWI sit-ups to pass the time.

  • New exercise alert: El DiBlocko (named by Mulligan) – show to know.  It’s fun stuff.

  • Thanks Metro for driving us down the home stretch with the last 15 Burpees.

  • Good fun this AM, Thanks for the opportunity.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb