Climbing ladders

Event Date

Jul 17, 2021


Four men came today to shake off the morning dew and exchange it for some humidity and condensation. What a beautiful morning to sweat!


15 IC Larry Czonka's

10 IC Windmills

10 IC Toy Soldiers

15 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Slalom Skiers

10 IC Merkins

Run the chalk speed ladder – 2 in 2 out, jumping jack out/in, 1 in 2 out, side to side slalom (these same 4 passes used in all speed ladders forthcoming)

Mosey to the back and get a block and mosey back up front

The Thang

Speed ladder again

4C Merkin ladder – 15 seconds rest after each round. Group made it to 9 rounds for a total of 90 Merkins in about 4 min

Move to bottom of LBH and have a sprint with purpose (imagine a dog was chasing you) – then mosey back and do a speed ladder 2x through

Trifecta ladder – 15 seconds rest between rounds. Several PAX made it all the way to 12 rounds. Everyone was crying at the end.

Bottom of LBH for 2 sprints up the hill with purpose (imagine you needed to run down someone stealing your wife's purse/2nd sprint was running to save someone from drowning) – Q surprised everyone on second sprint with a quick "Go"

Speed ladder 3x through

25 Man-maker burpees with blocks for Zippy!

Finish strong with 5 parking lot sprints

Return blocks back to AO at 7:59:55……and that's your free workout!


I've been studying the concept of Virtue (Arete'). Seneca once said, "You act like mortals in all that you fear and immortals in all that you desire." That is, we let fear control us and lose all perspective of our eternal nature as sons of Heavenly Father. And, in things that we lust after, we act as if there will be no judgment for us. I was thinking how Christ totally reversed that statement. He acted like an immortal in anything fearful (temptings by Satan, being crucified) and a mortal (meaning He understood how useless and limited being a slave to your temptations really is in the big, eternal picture) in anything based in desire. He provides such a great example.

If you read through 2 Peter 1:3-8 you see the characteristics of Christ: Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, and Charity. The Stoics highlight 4 key areas: Wisdom, Temperance, Courage, and Justice. Epictetus once said in a lecture that when you have negative thoughts of yourself you need to bring up a "fine and noble impression" of yourself. A mental image of yourself at your very best. What would that be for you? How would you draw a picture of the very best you? I assure you that if you will take a little time to develop this mental image and substitute it when you start in on negative self-talk, it will significantly help you. Consider those attributes Christ displays and how you can be your best self by developing each area.


Cheetah being kind to all of us in the sprints and feigning a need to "warm-up". We appreciate not being left completely in the dust!!

Salty brought a towel for the ride home which the Q and the Q's truck greatly appreciated!

Tonka is killing it. Getting stronger and fitter every week. So glad he is coming!

We missed those that were not with us. Hope to see you all soon.

Always an honor to lead.
