Climbing the Ladder

Event Date

Aug 12, 2016




3 brave souls showed up for a Spare Special Beatdown


The Thang

After a nice warm up we lined up at one end of the parking lot and begin our descent.

KB Squats w/Overhead Press – 1x

Power Skip to the STOP sign

Merkins – 10x

Then run back to your KB and REPEATO 

Decrease Merkins by 1 rep & increase KB Squats w/Overhead Press by 1 rep until you flip flop 10 & 1


The mosey over to benches

Step ups – 10x each leg

CCDs – 10x in cadence

WW2 Sit-ups – 15x

KB Squats – 12x

KB Curls – 21s (7 Low, 7 high, 7 full)

Lawnmower – 10 each side


Back to the rally point for MARY

The W – 15 x

The J-Lo – 20x

Low Flutter – 15x



1.  It was nice to see Fenway out at Cauldron this morning.  Hope the legs heal up nicely, and good luck with the BRR.

2.  Amen continues to impress me with how hard he works.  I was at his first Hollywood workout, and I am truly astonished by how far he's come. Keep it up brother!! AYE!!

3.  So, I decided to name this workout Toni… #ShowToKnow

Thanks again to Trump for nagging me to join F3.  I'm glad I too the leap.  I'm a better man for it.  Aye!
