Climbing the Ladder of Pain!

15 PAX charged the grounds of Samson for a non-running, ladder beat down. Surprisingly traffic was a challenge for some of the PAX traveling from the great north, even as far north as The People's Republic, at 0530, but what we extended in the warm up we more than made up for it in the thang.

All PAX grab a cinderblock and meet in the first parking lot by the cars


  • Mountain Climbers 25 IC
  • SSH 25 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper 20 IC
  • Cotton Picker 20 IC

The Thang

Grab your block and Zamperini to the pull-up bars for ladder one

Ladder 1

  • Split PAX into two groups so no one is waiting long for pull-ups
  • Pull-Up sequence: 10-8-6-4-2
  • Burpee sequence: 2-4-6-8-10
    • 30 total pull-ups, 30 total burpees
  • Plank it out until all PAX complete the ladder
  • Grab your block and Zamperini back to first parking lot

Ladder 2

  • Half the PAX line up with block on the left, the other half line up with block on the right
  • Off-set Muricans sequence: 10 – 1 (decending by 1)
  • Overhead squats: 1 – 10  (ascending by 1)
    • 55 total off-set Muricans, 55 total overhead squats
  • Plank it out until all PAX complete the ladder
  • Grab your block and Zamperini to covered patio

Ladder 3

  • All PAX find a spot on the low wall
  • Single leg squat sequence: 10 – 1 (decending by 1; alternating legs at half way point)
  • Wall jumps sequence: 1 – 10 (ascending by 1)
    • 55 total single leg squats, 55 total wall jumps
  • Plank it out until all PAX complete the ladder
  • Grab your block and Zamperini to wall of the youth ministry building

Ladder 4

  • All PAX find a spot on the wall and get into the people's chair position
  • Overhead press sequence: 10 – 1 (decending by 1)
  • Front arm raises sequence: 1 – 10 (ascending by 1)
  • Remain in the people's chair position until all PAX complete the ladder
  • Grab your block and Zamperini back to the steps leading to the monkey bars to return your block



  • Always an honor to Q at one of YHC's original home bases, thank you Jedi for voluntelling me to Q (you know I'll do it just about any time)
  • A LOT of shoulder work! Great job pushing through (though we didn't totally neglect legs – the shoulders just hurt a whole lot worse)
  • A 10 p.m. request was made to have zero running so YHC was happy to oblidge (you can thank Olive for that)
  • In all seriousness, great seeing you out there Olive despite the foot troubles – you crushed it as always
  • A lot of grunting during the last ladder – loved hearing the PAX dig deep to gut it out but when Binary called it out YHC couldn't help but laugh and agree
  • Your fearless QIC, Jedi, ripcorded half way through ladder 3, I guess it was just too much for him – we should've given you more hell for that, Jedi!