Clipboarding the Youngsters at Mad Scientist

Event Date

Aug 18, 2021

FNG-1 = Change  FNG-2 = Sturgis  FNG-3 = Kong

10 total pax including the Q arrived to a slightly cooler, drier morning than expected.  Due to the surprising lack of rain/storms, plus the location of Camp Gladiator, plus an aching foot, YHC audibled slightly and whipped out not only my big, long, thick, black… rope, but also my clipboard.

Disclaimer, then into the stairwell, down to the basement, then grab a block, back out into the crisp air of the parking lot.  Then if you're "Change", set your stack of broken block aside and go get another block.

Basic warm-o-rama

1st half of the workout:  Pax runs the parking lot, then 3 ramps to the open door at the 3rd level of the deck.  Down the steps then out the door to the base of the parking lot by the fire station.  1st pax back calls a Mary core exercise, then all pax join as they arrive, until the six arrives.  They'll do a little core work then we get a 10 count.  Then repeato same route.  Then 3 peato.  Then 4 peato.  I think it was just 4 times (but YHC didn't participate so I lost count).

2nd half of the workout:  Block work from the ground, up.  Christian McCafl-raises x 22, squats, lawn mower pulls, shoulder press, curls (Colt 45 style), skull crushers.

MWAR and everyone took a turn wrapping both hands around my big, long, thick, black… rope and going to town with it.


For the record, this BB was posted just 3 hours after the workout, as well as prior to Amen posting the BB from Mad Sci or any other workout he Q'ed last week.  If Blackbeard would just lend him a hand……..

Pretty cool to see Amen and his 4 boys out there together.  Not to mention they accounted for half the pax today!

No "respects" today – that's rare these days as many of us hit our 8 and 10 year anniversaries with F3.  But also thanks to Amen's family reunion at the parking deck, the avg age today was 32.8 years.  Wow.

Also quite cool to have 4 very recently named pax in attendance (Change, Sturgis, Smoker and Ponch) AND Smoker and Ponch are already registered on the website.  The growth and health of F3Nation is real.  I absolutely love the effort and positive energy Ponch and Sturgis are bringing, and Smoker – well he smoked the workout!!!  These guys are impressive and no doubt will soon be Qing workouts and dishing out serious pain to the pax!

Thanks as always to Frontier for showing up, giving some effort, complaining about whatever might be next, showing some resistance, then playing along with a smile.  

Today is the 2 year anniversary of FiA's "Spar" leaving her  physical state and taking on her spiritual state and new role as an angel watching over all of us.  FiA misses her, her friends miss her but no one misses her more than her parents, husband and 2 children left behind.  I continue to pray God will use me in a way to show them love and support and in a way that reminds them God is here with us and with them.  I continue to see their pain and their anger and I share in it.  I've never lost a close family member and never lost anyone in a way like we lost Spar, so I cannot fathom how they or anyone else in their position must feel.  I continue to pray for all of you and pray we can all support you in whatever ways you need.
