Closed for Winter

Event Date

Dec 10, 2019


8 pax who know that #onTuesdayswegofast at GAGA saw the #onTuesdaybeforetheHHwetaper preblast from MQ Hoodie, who was not present this morning, and completely ignored it.  Actually, Beetle did try to go slow at one point in Birkdale, but none of the other pax took the bait, and he was ultimately forced to speed up.

We ended up running some variant of the reverse Lego10K (i.e. the K10ogeL) as follows: 2 EZ, 3 @ Auto's HH pace, 1 EZ.  Or that was the plan before we took off, anyway.  It was probably closer to: 1 EZ, 1 less EZ, 2 @ Auto's HH pace, 1 @ Auto's HH pace minus 15 sec, 1 EZ.  The pax will probably blame YHC, but it was really Snoopy's and Kumquat's fault.


  • GAGA is closing for the winter after today.  As in years past, GAGA will close for the winter months as the F3 runners coordinate on their winter training for late winter / spring races.  Fartlek is still running out of Wynfield clubhouse, and there will surely be other Tuesday off the books runs if you're looking for a Tuesday run option.  Otherwise, The Optimus Project (TOP) runners are reportedly planning to run fast on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the winter, so feel free to reach out to / jump in with them if you're looking for weekly speed work while GAGA is on hiatus.
  • Speaking of TOP, they sent several representatives to GAGA this morning to intimidate and bully the Goatbusters into submission ensure GAGA's shutdown / transition to the TOP winter training plan.  If you post to GAGA next week and find cones and caution tape all over the AO, you can probably thank Garcia for that.
  • Breakfast Club made his triumphant return to GAGA.  First run back post-Charlotte marathon, which he crushed but which also took a nice chunk of flesh off his foot and landed him on the couch for a few weeks.  Great to see him back and accelerating on all the climbs per usual.  Also worth noting that BC was barely out of his car before Garcia was trying to EH him for the Myrtle Half.
  • Auto was rolling this morning and is ready for Huntersville Half this weekend.  He was also knocking out sets of merkins at the AO post-run while the rest of us were driving away, trying to keep up the appearance of being a beatdown guy, and not a runner.  Of course, we've all seen his Strava data, so he's not fooling any of us.  Now go crush that race, brother!
  • Anchovy is getting really close to 1000 miles for the year.  Tclaps for eyeing that goal to stay focused and training through December, even without a race in the immediate future.
  • If you're reading this and not also running the Huntersville Half, consider signing up to man one of the water stations.  Get in touch with Daisy aka Kevin Fensley or otherwise see Signup Genius link in this preblast:
  • Please also consider running with the Speed For Need pax on Friday evening 12/13.  Pax will be pushing our very own 8-Track's 2.0 and 2.1 in the racing chairs.  Details are in the same preblast link above.
  • We prayed for quick and full recovery for Omega's daughter, who underwent surgery yesterday.
  • Thanks to Hoodie for entrusting YHC with the Q this morning, and allowing YHC to close out GAGA for 2019.  See you in 2020, Robbins Park…..
