Closers 12 days of Christmas

Warm up
Right over left 
Left over right
Arm circles
10 slow cotton pickers
Mosey around the parking lot to flag pole.
Bear crawl push ups start at 6 to to 1
Mosey to the back of the school
3 mins of quadraphillia
Grab a block and count down the days
Day 1 – 100m sprint
Day 2 – Grasshoppers
Day 3 – Block Rows
Day 4 -Mountain Climbers
Day 5 – Curls with a block IC
Day 6 – V-ups
Day 7 – Skull Crushers
Day 8 – WW1 Sit Ups
Day 9 – Chest Presses
Day 10 – Jump Squats
Day 11 – Trailer Park Merkins
Day 12 – Burpees
Put the blocks up
Mosey back to the start for Mary
-20 Low Flutter Kicks Abrams style
-10 Dr. Ws

The Greatest Christmas Gift

"This is Christmas: not the tinsel holiday, not the giving and receiving holiday, but the humble heart that receives anew the wondrous gift, the Christ."

 Each year we are reminded that Christmas should not be just about giving and receiving presents.

But, if we truly think about Christmas, it is, indeed, all about gift giving! At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift ever given, by the greatest gift-giver of all, our wonderful God and Father!
-Lots of chatter and moans from the group. 
-T-claps to Skipper for representing Denver at Davidson at the convergence. 
-Good second F after the work out with the Mustang men. T-claps to Atlantis and Skipper for joining us from SVU. 
From my family to yours… Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! I am truly thankful for the 3 Fs that we support. The fitness and encouragement to do more that each of you guys bring to the group. The fellowship and friendship each of us share. Last but not least the faith and accountability that we hold each other to. May God bless each of you on this day and best wishes on the upcoming year.
Respectfully your friend in Christ!