Closing Out 2015 in Samson Style

Event Date

Dec 31, 2015


Rumor has it Samson was given given supernatural strength by God in order to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats.. when drawing up this one, I think I assumed the same for our PAX and I am proud to say all answered the call and responded with one heck of a workout to close out the year.  It should be mentioned mumbling was at an all-time high until the warm up began..

THANG:  All done with RUCKS T-Claps to Uncle Rico for throwing on the 40lb weight vest.

After a quick disclaimer we moseyed to the infamous monkey bars for a little warm-o-rama circuit. 

  • Make your way across the bars

  • Australian pullups in the mud x 20 in cadence

  • Squats to Press w/ sandbags x 2 OYO

REPEATO… at this point some were confused how we would differentiate the warmup from the real fun.  All grabbed and cinderblock and made their way to the parking lot.  Next up Lunges with Block overhead, across the full 40 yard parking lot.  At the half way point bust out 30 curls.   Plank on other side while the PAX rejoined.  Next up bear crawls back across, this time however we worked in the ManMaker Merkin x 20 at the half way point.  Bear crawl back across to our blocks and you guessed it repeato…. Somewhere in there was some seal claps as a recovery.

Mosey to pull up bars.   Find a partner and knock out as many pullups as you can in a minute.

Now on to the real fun!  Circle up where MARY met my friend the 30lb Slam Ball.   Rumor has it there will be some flutters at the HTL so why not get them in now… One person grabs the slam ball and does 20 overhead to squat slams catching the ball before it bounces a second time, rest of PAX do low flutters.  Hand off the slam ball and keep going… in total PAX got in a nice 12 minutes of flutters!  NICE WORK MEN.


  • Nice to see T-Bone, 66 and Wingman join me for the Standard RUCK.2.1 miles of getting lost with you guys is always a blast.

  • I think we got a HC out of 66 for the HTL… his check should be in the mail later today!

  • T-Claps to Olive for posting and improvising despite a busted thumb.Always great to see you out there working my friend.

  • Highlight of the morning for me – Uncle Rico announcing this as a top ten beat down; I take that as a huge compliment coming from you.

  • Special thanks to Lego for braving the rain yesterday and fixing the light so we could use the bars this morning.

  • Also special thanks to Jedi for letting me have some fun at this AO, it is a blast and a honor to Q.

Nice work and enjoy the New Year’s bash!