42 (actually 41?) Huntersville HIM got lucky this morning around the four leaf clover of pain. Mighty Oak, Mad Scientist, Hollywood, Stretch Armstrong, and Speed Dating were all strongly represented! Here's how it went down.


Amazing Grace performed by bagpipes was queued up on the speaker to get everyone's attention. Someone asked, "Aren't bagpipes Scottish?" I don't know, I'm not a scientist.



  • 20 SSH IC
  • 10 Dwight Schrutes IC
  • 10 IST IC
  • 5 Burpees OYO… a wee taste of what's to come


The Thang

A four leaf clover was set up in the parking lot. Exercises at each leaf and in the middle as follows:

  • Leaf 1: Curl to OH press with a block
  • Leaf 2: Jump Squats
  • Leaf 3: Burpees
  • Leaf 4: Floyd Mayweathers
  • Middle: Merkins


Split into four groups and run from leaf to leaf, stopping at the middle between each and every leaf.


Rep counts at each leaf were Irish lucky numbers. 17, 15, 13, 12, 9, 6, 5, 3. Rep count for the Merkins in the middle was always 11.


Ran short on time; combined 6, 5, and 3 into a group of 14 at the end.


Totals: 220 Merkins, 80 of each leaf exercise, and about 2 miles of clover shaped running.



  • Everybody enjoyed traditional Irish fare after the workout: green oreos, baby muffins, Guinness, Killian's Red, Green Gatorade.
  • Strong work men! This workout was TOUGH. And everybody crushed it. Except the stretchers…they crushed stretching.
  • Legend has it the Speed Daters led by Airwolf ran about 302 miles, the length of Ireland.
  • Canuck, Toxic, and other Respects were bantering about the late great Eddie van Morrison or something like that…the Hates didn't quite understand.
  • Qbert's as full of relevant facts as ever: A recent Supreme Court case in Ireland ruled that Subway bread qualifies as a confection due to its high sugar content. Thank you Qbert.
  • Eeyore showed up late to the pandemonium and was consequently blessed with back to back 17 burpees. Lucky St. Paddy’s for him!
  • All of us Qs thank you converging PAX for the honor to lead such a find group of lads!
  • FNG-1 = Spanx (not on website)