Clown Week – Day 2 “Surprisingly Good Italian Treat”

13 men met in the Gloom of The Viking to be part of "Day 2 O' Clown Car Week".  Rocker joined us from University City area, but unable to add him into the listed PAX…greatly appreciate him joining.


* Started with comments about Tiramisu – the Surprisingly Good Italian Treat

* Crunchy Frog x10 (In honor/Respect of the AO Master Q – Stromboli)

* SSH x 20

* IST x 20

* The Cotton Picker x 20

* Mountain Climbers x 20 

Moseyed over to the Pavillion (with picnic tables) and while doing Peoples Chair, YHC took the opportunity to share recently learned Clown Trivia with the PAX.  Would the newly learned term "Coulrophobia" (fear of clowns) come into play during this workout ??

* Air Press x 10

* Incline Merkins x 10

* Derkins x 10


A gathering of clowns would not be complete without a deck of overly large 'Clown Cards'.  PAX divided into four groups.  Each team was instructed to take turns picking out a turned over Clown Card, and then perform a corresponsing exercise from the accompanying chart as follows:

2 – 10 Burpees

3 – 20 Merkins

4 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks

5 – 25 Side Straddle Hops

6 – 25 Imperial Storm Troopers

7 – 25 Monkey Humpers

8 – 30 Merkins

9 – 30 Wide Merkins

10 – 30 Jump Squats

JACK – 40 Squats

QUEEN – 50 Mountain Climbers

KING – Run to the Pavillian (with Picnic Tables) and back


* Low Flutter x 15

* The W x 15

* Crunchy Frog x 15 (Finished with same exercise as first, again respecting Stromboli)



1.  Hats off to Major Tom for an early Standard.  Truly hope the experiment he partook in, involving a drain pipe and gravity, leads to a very speedy recovery.  

2.  Renaming took place for Kanook, whom was named yesterday but later realized that name was already taken.  Name was changed to Kanook Pickle by afternoon, but that name was overrulled this morning.  New name given – Dr. Seuss (PAX seemed to have limited insights on Canada, so went along the theme of Tim Hortons (popular coffee place in Canada)…thinking moved to 'Horton Hears a Who"…presto…Dr. Seuss name was hatched.

3.  YHC continues to be grateful for the Birkdale area Clown Car.  The solid thinking, support, comradery and second-to-none humor (even at 5:15am) is a blessing to be a part of.  

4.  F3 workout ended with free tiramisu handed out by the Q at Madalyn's Coffee (Special Thank You to Earl Grey for helping facilitate)