Cobalt Metal

Event Date

Dec 05, 2018


2 Brave men came out for a beatdown on a brisk morning!


2 mile run 

The Thang:


2 Rounds of the followiing sets  with a run around the parking lot after the second round of each set

Set 1: 10 Reps of each

  1.  Bent Row  
  2.  Scaptions
  3.  Clean Press
  4.  Dead Lifts

After second round of the above set, ran around parking lot

Set 2: 10 Reps of each

  1.  Bridge Press
  2.  Diamond Mercan on Kettlebell
  3.  Arnold Press
  4.  6 point Curl, Press, Crush

After second round, ran around parking lot

Set 3: 10 Reps of each

  1.  Hammer Curls
  2.  Front Raise
  3.  High Plank Row
  4.  Curls

After second round, ran around parking lot


  • No time for Mary today, although we definitely worked the core throughout the different exercises.
  • Q through in an audible for the warm up and decided to run…2 miles prior to the workout.  Really got the muscles warm today.
  • Q was a little tentative since it's his first metal workout after being on the injured reserve list.  Felt great during the workout though. 
  • Slow Roll working on his 5K time, nick name does not reflect mile pace accurately….
  • Good workout, felt good to be back!