Cobalt was a HIIT!

Event Date

Aug 04, 2016


9 men appeared in the gloom and the workout was a HIIT!


Double Double was present also.  (Not listed in tags above)



High knees, butt kicks, side steps L and R, SSH x 20, Wind Mills x 15, Toy Soldiers x 15, IST x 15, Cherry pickers x 15, mercans x 10


45 seconds of high intensity reps ( as many as possible) followed by 20 secs of rest, then, proceed with 45 sec of the next exercise, 20 secs rest of all of the following exercises:

  1. Mercans
  2. Burpees
  3. Squats
  4. High Knees
  5. Decline Mercans
  6. Lunges
  7. Plank
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Calf raises
  10. Sprints
  11. LBC's
  12. Carolina Dry Docks
  13. Apollo Onyo
  14. Incline Mercans
  15. 6 inches

Repeated the above 1-10 for a sec set


  • no mary needed after this ball buster!
  • you could add as much special sauce to each exercise you wanted!  Have it your way!  BK baby!  (Burger King)
  • Double Double continues to be Mr. Consistency!  WAY TO GO!!!  I don't think he's missed a workout yet!
  • No lack of sweat after this one!  Good work men!