Cobra Kai’s 30-Year-Old Son Learns About F3 the Hard Way. . .

Event Date

Jul 03, 2022


Poor Amir didn't know what to expect. Cobra Kai had been bragging about him for a while (and rightfully so), but only about his brains (he's a PHD). Fortunately, his brawn was sufficient for the task as well (but maybe only at the undergraduate level). 

We did an old-school Jersey Boy workout with some weird exercises, some normal exercises, an Armageddon, regular rocks, large rocks, and a workout that excluded no body part except our brains. 

We rotated Mary exercises, giving Amir the opportunity to learn cadence-calling (which he nailed) and then went to coffee at Summit (but not coffee BY Summit apparently), where the fellowship and conversation were rich and varied and the chocolate chip cookies I bought at the farmer's market were well worth the dollar each I paid for them. 

Thanks, gentlemen, for coming out to support me and this great AO to which I have remained so loyal. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to find out what the hell's going on with Boar Hog and Waffle House.