Coffee Wars

In today’s Berean headlines:

Amen had the morning off so he ventured forth to shake off another Dem Boys come-apart. He was already running sometime before 5 am, and he even had time for coffee.  He and Hushpuppie talked Texas. 

Speaking of Hushpuppie,  word on the street is that he has found a new domicile and at some point in the not-to-distant future may be headed east toward our MECA brothers.  

Shake came in hot and stirred the pot a lot.

Rocket came in hot and promptly got lost, only to be found in the last two minutes.

Stromboli looked good on the pure barre once he got his leg up there.

We went over some local civil rights trivia.

Monday Morning Quarterbacking was strong. All the good Catholic boys reported in on the first reading where Samuel hears God, and Amen reported on a reading from Timothy about the discipline of athletes, farmers and soldiers.

Arnie’s Army pax showed up.

Most importantly, after some discussion we decided that next week’s Coffeeteria will move to SBux Exit 28.

