Cold and Wet Morning at Emmaus

A few of us for the cold and wet standard with 1.5 miles out and then back for a total of 3 

Gambini and YHC split the warm up 

The first act 

The pandering began early and often, we opened with Pigeon and then did various activities in the circle prior to moving to the wall for dips and then balls to the wall

We then made the move across to the second parking garage for more activities 

I ended it with some work at the flower bed 


The second act 

SSH x50 IC, extended DORA: 150/250/350 w/a burpee after each run before switching, 150 jump lunges, 250 single-leg glute raises, 350 jump squats, mosey back to starting point for a minute of static elevated ab hold. recover recover.



Great turnout for Emmaus, also shows the fact we could fill a lot of Q slots 

Great to see Nair out twice last week 

Come out to support all the QvQ 
