Cold as Bellz

Event Date

Nov 08, 2019

3 Men threw KB’s around this chilly morning.

Disclaimer given

Warm Up:

Side Straddle Hops = 15-IC

Windmills = 10-IC

Copperhead Squats = 10-IC

Cotton Pickers = 10-IC

Small Arm Circles Forward = 10 Seconds

Big Arm Circles Forward = 10 Seconds

Small Arm Circles Revers = 10 Seconds

Big Arm Circles Reverse = 10 Seconds

Hug Yourself = 10 Seconds

Mosey around parking lot 1 lap


The Thang:

Mosey to Gym Entrance

Watch Breakers Left Arm = 10-OYO

Watch Breakers Right Arm = 10-OYO

Curls Left Arm = 10-OYO

Curls Right Arm = 10-OYO

Skull Crushers = 10-OYO

Step-Ups/Calf Raise on Bench Left Leg = 10-OYO

Step-Ups/Calf Raise on Bench Right Leg = 10-OYO

Dips on Bench = 10-OYO

Decline Merkins on Bench = 10-OYO

Chest Press (on 6) = 10-OYO

Sit-Ups with KB = 10-OYO

Plank Row Left Arm = 10-OYO

Plank Row Right Arm = 10-OYO

Wall sit while doing Curl 21’s

Lunge Walk with KB to Parking Lot

Burpee Press with KB = 5-OYO

Lunge Walk back to Benches


Repeato above X2



American Hammers with KB = 10-IC

LBC’s with KB = 10-IC

Low Flutters/KB Chest Press = 15-IC



Proverbs 12:25 = Anxiety in a man’s heart weights him down, but a good work makes him glad.

Realize that the things we work for often lead to stress and anxiety, but the end result should lead to happiness.



Scope shows up early and planted the Shovel Flag like a boss! The brisk winds this morning had Old Glory standing at attention. It was a glorious site! Those of us who have had the privilege of working out with Scope may recall a glistening of his skin and a slight aroma similar to that of bovine parts stewing in your momma’s kitchen. That sheen and aroma gentleman, is gravy. The medical community is perplexed about how this man’s body is able to transform blood into gravy, but many, many tests have confirmed this phenomenon.

Another interesting fact about Scope is one of his former duties in the Army was to witness Soldiers giving urine samples. The MOS for this duty may have been titled “Meat Gazer.”


Hefty posts despite having a cold. His goal today was to work on perfection of form. I must say that his form was greatly improved. Hefty credited his improved technique to watching hours upon hours of Richard Simmons videos. That and choosing to work out with a 10LB kettlebell. Great choice on the 10 pounder Hefty; we need you injury free for the HHR!


Props to Trapper Keeper for taking the initiative to lead during the Scouts flag ceremony.


Contact Hefty if you are able to assist in a food drive tomorrow 10-2.


We missed those who did not post today and hope to see you tomorrow. Clubber has the Mustang Q and ??? has SVU.


Pleasure to lead this morning. Do something great today!
