Cold Java Java Java

12 men ventured into the frosty gloom to pay tribute to the 5K with pain stations known as Java.  

Run to Walgreens for Warmarama:  20 Sidestraddle hops, 15 imperial storm troopers, 15 cotton pickers, 15 windmill

Run to the faux fountain:  10 merkins, 15 squats

Run all the way to Robbins Park:  15 dips, 10 step ups each leg

Run to Elevation church:  10 wide merkins, 20 little baby crunches

Run back to the faux fountain:  10 shoulder touch merkins, 

Run back to home base:  20 Low flutters

Lonestar confused everyone by arriving at 5:29, an entire two minutes early! 

Once again we tried to get Frogger to use his inside voice so we don't get fussed at by the Birkdale residents.  That didn't work so we just took off running…..

The Kangaroo Court ruled that we were Callahan'd by Goat.  There is much more discusssion/debate going on since then….. stay tuned

Thanks for taking us out with the prayer Hippie.  We all need to be that positive leader and role model in our community!