Cold Spartans!

Event Date

Oct 20, 2022

9 pax posted on a cold morning for some Spartan Beast training. 

We did a flat horseshoe from the end of the parking lot to the pull up bars stopping for KB work in the middle. More specifically:

3 rounds of:

20 diamond merkins

15 thrusters with the KB 

10 pull ups

Then we did 3 rounds of:

20 merkins

20 lawn mowers each arm

10 knee ups

Then we did some KB mary:


FNG Ray was there for his second post. I got the pleasure of working out with him on Monday at Arnies. Great dude! His first post was a Swing State Q and his 2nd post was Dragon Slayer! Stong work! Ray is originally from Arkansas but has lived in Austin, TX for the past several years. He works at Lowes so we named him Ace after Ace Hardware. There was a strong push for Home Depot but I thought that was too cruel. I made a push for Pig Sooie but it didnt hold up.

I have not pulled into the GCC parking lot in over a year without seeing Jobe, on the ground, doing core work. Strong work! I love being around this guy!

Swamp Fox and Kosar lead the way with Cherry Bomb and AM-PM not far behind. Thanks for the push fellas!

Slingshot and YHC discussed English football because that what we do!

Hotbox was awesome as usual and picked up the six. He made sure the FNG felt right at home. Thank you sir!

Love you guys!

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