4 brave souls and YHC beat the FS this morning with 6.5 cold moonlit miles through the business park, Cedarfield, and the greenway. Some of the highlights:
- We learned Fenway has held nearly every job imaginable
- We learned Forrest is training for the Beach Fat Tire championships and has the meanest bike in LKN, if not all of Charlotte on his SUV (I have to try it someday)
- We had a run-by with PT & Professor on the greenway, seems they dropped El Chapo at that point.
- Forrest & Fenway were nearly run over by 2 drag racers in front of the police station (how's that for irony)
- We picked up Frontline at the end of the run, or he picked us up
- Jorel nailed his fastest 10K this year on the run
Thanks for coming out guys and good luck with all the upcoming events – Run for the Idiots, Fat Tire championships, Corporate cup, MST Ultra to name a few…