Coldest Run of the Year (so far)

Event Date

Oct 20, 2022

YHC reached out to the MQ (Jolly Roger) last night asking if The Caboose was a go as there was no one signed up to Q on the website and no PB yet. Yep, shoulda known how that would turn out…  Text reply was, "You wanna Q?" and it was on.

PB went out for 0530.  Crap – this thing starts at 0515???  PB was deleted.  PB tweeted again and it was a go.

7 pax including the Q scrambled to figure out where to park, then eventually all met at the parking lot beside the hispanic grocery store (Do NOT park in the lot behind Main St Coffee – there are signs everywhere that towing is enforced and it is – we've seen it during coffeteria post-Cauldron).

YHC announced that I had the Q, announced a very loose plan for a route, followed by multiple pax offering "better ideas".  The pax decided on an almost 5 mile route which was also almost flat but not flat.  

South past the cemetery, through the 'hood, over the bridge that crosses 115 near Lake Norman Charter, down Verhoeff to 21.  5 stopped and waited on 2 (2 = YHC and Tammy Faye as we focused on form today, not speed).  Then 180 and head back the way we came.  Only challenge to that was the two TFs didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the route, so may have taken an errant turn or 3 along the way, but we made it.

Coffeteria at Main St Coffee followed for all but Tammy Faye who had an early mtg.  So did YHC, and YHC was late.  Oops, but coffeteria is almost always worth it.  Was good to be back at Main St.  Hoping to negotiate a deal to get Coffeteria back there on Fridays after The Cauldron.  Stay Tuned.

The frosty Moleskine:

YHC had to be "Force"ful to get the fellas to count off, do name-o-rama, share announcements and prayer requests, but we made it happen even if this group isn't accustomed to it.  Why?  Yes because that's how F3 works.  We PB, we F3 Counts it, we have COT and we BB it.  It's one of the many reasons YHC fell in love with F3 but LISTEN UP – it's not just about the tradition or the "credit".  Sometimes guys really need the COT.  Some guys may be getting out of bed for the COT alone and the workout is just something that comes before it.  YHC needed the COT this morning.  Thanks to Tammy Faye for knowing that and for taking us out.  Tomorrow it could be another pax.  Be there for them, fellas.

34 degrees was brrrrrr this morning.

Hot coffee was mmmm.

Nice to enjoy coffee with a group of guys YHC doesn't usually get to see/talk to much.  

Jaws didn't insult me nor my running buddies once today, so that was kind.

The two TFs covered the 6 for about 4 of the 4.71 miles as we enjoyed our own pace and catching up on each others' families and such.  Tammy Faye got to hear the story of Zare becoming QB at LNC for his senior year and what record he set there vs CSD that season.  Helped us kill the last mile as running by the school sparked a memory for me.  Then Free Pass shared excitement over the big middle school match b/w Pine Lake and St Mark tonight – that's fun stuff and brings back so many memories for me.  Soak it up and don't miss a minute if you can, Free Pass and all the rest of you.  The dances, recitals, games, science olympiads, etc will be over before you know it.  I still cherish them but all I have is some great pics and even greater memories (and occasionally a long story to tell to help pass the time on a run).  Good luck tonight to all the players and shout-out to the moms who sit in the stands holding their breath during every play their son is on the field.  Watched my M do it for 10 years.

That's it.  That's the BB.  The Force is OUT.

