College Stories at The Blender

Event Date

Oct 19, 2021

6 pax decided a regular bootcamp wouldn't be enough this morning, so they grabbed their heavy kettle bells and headed to church.  Grace Covenent Church.  There YHC arrived with less than 60 seconds to spare and we got it started…


Mosey through the side parking lot, adding in a little karoke both ways.  Probably a tad farther than the pax wanted or expected, but it helped get the juices flowing in the cold.

Guns n' Roses on Spotify, we circled up and began with SSHs, then ISTs, Windmilles and Long Snappers (TN style).  Then down to plank to down dog, to walk the dog, back to plank, to finally end the warm-o-rama with mountain climbers.

The Thang:

YHC announced this workout would be "When I was in College…"  So YHC said, When I was in college, as a freshman I weighed 155 lbs.  Started working out for the first time that first semester.  Trainer taught me what to do safely, and Monday/Thurs would be chest, triceps and shoulders while Tues/Fri would be legs, back and biceps.  Since today was Tuesday, we'd do legs, back and bi's.  Don't hold me to that thought process this Friday at Cauldron though…

So we did rounds of exercises followed by a lap (every lap was in a different direction, with a different hill, and none were very short – at least not to the KB pax).

Legs we did things like KB squats, jump squats and Christian McCalf-raises

Back we did Bent Over Rows (BROs, Manziers), Lawn Mower Pulls, and BROs again

Biceps it was always some form of curls (full, low, high, or all 3)

The collegiate moleskine:

After each set and lap, the pax took turns completing the statement, "When I was in college…"

Ultraman stated a case of…  shoot.  Some bad/cheap beer was $8.99/case.  YHC chimed in that by the time my generation was in college, it was Busch Light and it had gone up to $9.99/case.

Top Gun told Auburn stories of flooding classrooms with water shooting out of the electrical sockets, and included engineering jokes us common folks didn't understand.

Rocket told a tequila story of 3 friends and 1 bottle of bad tequila.   Yada yada yada, 15 minutes later all 3 were puking on the frat house floor.

Frontier's story started slow and strange, then ended STRONG.  Something about he and friends in Windy Gap having "mullet" neighbors and friends who sounded… earthy perhaps?  They were good for keeping warm in the winter I believe.  Of the 4-5 guys and "mullet" girls, 4 of the group married each other, 3 divorced, 2 became lesbians at first, then later all became lesbians and most are now mult-millionairs and own much of Boone.  Boom.  Never question a mullet of any kind.

Flo told stories of going out in Boone and in Chapel Hill and we all bantered and wept over the price of drinks back then.

We didn't push it too hard this morning, but we lifted our bells and put in some laps.  Stayed warm but not the way Frontier stayed warm in college winters.

That's it.  Almost got my BB in before Q-Bert's from The Sword yesterday…  The Force is OUT
