Colt 45

Event Date

Sep 29, 2018


15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Tony Hawks
Pain Stations (round 1):
1 pax runs with a cinder block to the top of Crepe Ridge (left from AO), executes Colt 45 (described below) and runs back with the cinder block to the playground, as the counter.  Playground stations are: step-ups, Australian pull-ups, and calf raise on the ladder.
Colt 45  Cinder Block Curls:
15 reps go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90 degree angle and hands at elbow level).
15 reps go from the halfway point up to the top of the bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level).
15 reps start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up.
Pain Stations (round 2):
1 pax runs with a cinder block to the top of the Crepe Ridge hill (right from AO), executes Colt 45 (described above) and runs back with the cinder block to the playground, as the counter.  Playgound stations now are: Burp-ups (burpee, followed by a pull-up on the monkey bar on your leap), Skull Crushers, and tricep dips.
Isaiah 40:31 …but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Through God's strength we can soar far above the troubles of this world.
There were not many fans of the Colt 45, but no doubt, its a healthy prevention from soccer arms.  Good to see everyone.  