Combo Packs

Event Date

Feb 15, 2020

Warmorama: Run to apartment circle, SSH x 25, IST x 15, TS x 15, Windmill x 15

The Thang:  Execute 15 of each combo, run circle

  • Merican/Frog Jump
  • LBC/Frog Jump
  • Deep Squat/Squat Jump
  • CDD/Donkey Kick (Thanks, Natty!)
  • Merican/Donkey Kick
  • Boxcutter/Merican (Thanks, Tool Time!)
  • Dips/Frog Jump (Thanks, Grip!)

Long run, repeato, run back.


  • F45 is F3 times 15 (by name) but no one can replicate the abuse love you get here.
  • Facebook Killahs is just an animal hunting group.  Be careful what you do on Valentine's day.  Its your choice of either changing diapers or sighting a buck.
  • Showing up counts especially when the doors are locked.
  • Heard on court: Its going to be a bad day if I don't workout.  …Its going to be a bad day.
  • Man, you are ashy.  You need to hit that lotion.
  • Great job today!  We got different body movements from the combo selections and crowd-sourced the inspiration.
  • Always an honor to lead fine gentlemen.