Combo Platter

Event Date

Feb 28, 2024

Five fellas came out to Muscle Beach for a combo platter. One additional only showed up at the end.


SSH, TS, Pickers, Dynamic Stretching Platter

The Thang

Twenty reps of the following combination exercises

  • 2 Way Bent Row
  • Squat Fly
  • Curl, Reverse Press
  • Side raise to front raise
  • 1,1,2 Tricep Kickbacks
  • Hammer Curl Push Out
  • Bench Skull
  • Fly Bench hip thrust
  • Overhead Pull Crunch
  • WWII Jabs


  • Q was, per usual, a bit late in getting the chalk down to allow for the workout to start promptly at 5:30am. Grip’s time is valuable, so when he pointed out the tardy start he was politely asked to please STFU. It was a polite request.
  • Upon reflection, the side raise to front raise combo may have been a tad on the aggressive side.
  • DJ played some angry music, akin to the anger experienced when a prospective boat buyer does not show for a pre-arranged meeting time
  • 911 had some praises to share with the crew, and the Pax response was to be expected
  • Today marks his 37th wedding anniversary to his bride
    • Overheard during the workout:
      • “You taking her to Shuffletown for lunch?”
      • “Did relationship inertia carry the marriage forward after the second year?”
    • 911’s daughter hope is engaged to be married to a guy who is rather quiet but likes Brown Ales
      • Overheard during the workout:
        • “Is she coming back here for money?”
        • “Is she pregnant?”
        • “If you get enough brown ales in him I’m sure he will open up”
      • The Duke study abroad tuition is a steal
      • Slow ran by at the end, training for the V2V. Even tho he did not wear a weight vest, we are granting him credit
      • Great work men!