Come and knock on my door…””

19 pax in all fought off the fartsack (including YHC and it was close).  2 walked the standard (Titan, Blackbeard), 3 ran the standard, 16 joined YHC's beatdown with kettle bells, 1 joined with a weight plate (like one of those round weights you find in those indoor places you have to pay to get into – Cherry Bomb, you know the type of place), 1 left before the beatdown for work and 1 (you know who you are) left for early coffee.

Go ahead – check my math above.  Dare ya.

The thang:

First, YHC arrived in plenty of time to stash the MWAR toy and join the pax before getting started.  YHC was fresh and well rested after a great night's sleep and ample hydration…


Warm-o-rama:  Zampirini Commander (not Commando as YHC was corrected by the pax) style all the way around the grass yard, then up the steps to the top floor of the deck where we would find Cherry Bomb messing around with YHC's big, long, thick, black…. rope.  Like YHC wouldn't notice?!?!?!

Circle up, drop to your six, queue  the music:  As YHC announced the birthday celebration, the theme song to Three's Company would blast on the Bose for the pax to enjoy while doing 76 Suzanne Sommers each leg.  Suzy turns 76 Sunday, 10/16 which also happens to be my 2.1's 20th bday.  So all exercises to follow would be in sets of 20 (most 20 IC, some 10 IC if YHC thought the pax couldn't handle it).

After the Suzy Ss, we moseyed down the steps to the basement where the normal warm-o-rama would ensue, 20 reps IC of SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers and Windmills.  Then we'd mosey back to the top the long way – the way 4-tired vehicles get there.

Upon reaching the top, we began to (finally) make use of the solid metal objects we'd all hauled up there to begin with.

A mix of exercises w/ the bells for a full body workout.  Arms 'n shoulders first, with some repeatos.  Feel the burn, then we took a break and went down the steps to the 1st floor, mosey back up by way of the 4-wheelers again.

Then some back work, repeatos, then down to the 2nd floor and back up the ramp (getting easier, no?).

YHC then whipped it out and laid it on the ground for all the pax to marvel at.  Left it there for a bit while we want on to the next exercise.  Couldn't help but notice Cherry Bomb was staring – couldn't look away it seemed.

Then Christian McCalf-raises x22, repeato.

Heck it was then 6:07 and time for MWAR.  Y'all know what MWAR is by now.  We did that and all 17 pax took turns handling YHC's big, long, thi…  you know.

The Ripper Trippin' Moleskine:

Truthfully YHC had the BB more than half complete before my IT dept had to shut my computer down and didn't know I needed to save my BB first, so it was lost.  The above is decent.  The orig woulda been epic no doubt.  T-Claps to Happy Gilmore who helped me identify the last 2 pax YHC couldn't remember the 2nd time (I'd already deleted my name-o-rama video).  I also solicited help from Blackbeard only to bother him with numerous texts even though Happy had already helped.  Because I blame Blackbae for any and all things related to the website.  I suggest you do the same while you can.  His days are numbered…  Oh – I mean the current website's days.

Is there ANY pax out there who doesn't still have the Three's Company theme song replaying constantly in their head???  Make it stop!!!

Great to have Frogger back at The Cauldron again.  Although I barely noticed he was there…..  But really – glad he could make time for us at coffeteria (after running another 4 miles AFTER Cauldron).

The basement is a peculiar place, especially with Frogger, especially this morning.  The echo is painful to my OCD, but during the few seconds Frogger must've caught a fly and was quiet it was amazingly quiet as YHC whispered cadence.  And when cadence was whispered, the pax whispered the count.  It was magical.  Then more Frogger.

During back work the pax did a couple sets of Bent Over Rows (Bro's, which Amen will ALWAYS announce, "Manzier!"). For proper form, YHC recommended the pax partner up by gazing into the eyes of a pax across the circle.  That escalated quickly.  Partners were swapped and shared.  Some pax were happy, others were offended.  Sack Daddy just kept his stare and a very awkward, creepy grin which for some reason that really pleased me.

We've got many pax on the IR – keep them in your prayers.  We also have many with family who need our prayers for a variety of reasons.  I'm praying hard for everyone and for my own mother. Trying to be positive and faithful, trying not to worry.  Not sure it's working but I'm so thankful for my brothers in F3 who pray beside me and lift me up whether they know it or not.  With work and my mother's medical issues along with a couple other matters it's been a difficult month.  Can't imagine doing it without my M and without my F3 family.  Appreciate you.

That's it.  That's the BB.  The Force is OUT.

