Community Q at The Sword – Murph

Event Date

Jan 25, 2016

Hagen Daz hasn't registered on…get on that and send me a DM if you need any help.

An elite eight men, who wanted to enjoy the warmth of their automobiles as long as they could, circled up at 5:28 in the 27 degree gloom of the LFC parking lot…parking lot #2 as #1 was a sheet of ice.  Took just a few moments for LEGO to realize that The Grinch, the designated Q for the day, was not among the elite 8.  Good news is that today is The Murph so we all knew the game plan.  5:30, go!

A few of the PAX wore their headlamps, which was a good idea, to spot the black ice on the .30 mile LFC parking lot loop.  One mile later we gathered by pull-up forest.  First exercise, 10 pull-ups OYO.  Next exercise, 10 Mericans in cadence for 20 reps.  Next exercise, 15 squats in cadence for 30 reps.  Repeato 9 more times.  Then run another mile.  We rotated around the circle calling cadence.  It was an even number so 4 pax ended up calling Mericans and the other 4 squats.  Not sure which one sucked less…


– The Grinch, I know the lure of the fartsack is strong… Seriously, hope all is well.

– The wrapped pull-up bars at this AO are so sweet…good grip, staves off frostbite, etc.  Wish they were bad-ass black but red is not bad. 

– Thanks LEGO for taking us out for COT

– PAX looked out for one another today, providing spot support on the pull-ups. 

– Carpetbaggers dog was dapper today sporting a fleece and blinky.

– Bible study followed led by Contra.  If you haven't been, you need to go.  Great group of guys and great leader in Contra

– The Pax muscled through this brutal WOD.  Especially tough when it's the January version of The Murph.  Everything is more difficult for some reason. 

– Calling cadence is not as easy as it seems, huh?  Heard a lot of "next exercise is ____, ready position move, one-two-three…"  Don't forget the "…in cadence, exercise" so all start at the same time. 

– LEGO, thanks for continuing to lead the Master Q duties at The Sword by example…and for continuing to keep this the best AO and Monday Isotope option.

– Lastly, a challenge for the Elite 8 that showed this morning…do all 12 Murphs in 2016.  All that fartsacked today can't, you can.  Do it.


The Pax