Community Q at Vanquisher

Event Date

Mar 07, 2016

4 chilly scoundrels appeared in the gloom to pay their downpainment.  2 of whom (Ikea & Ultraman) pulled in 3 miles of additional pain beforehand (Ikea swears it was dangerously close to a "Standard").  Since every F3 workout ultimately belongs to the PAX, YHC made sure that those who posted today each had a hand in driving the pain train.  Here was how it all shook out:

(PAX name in parenthesis for each exercise they led)


Mosey around the parking lot, with some High Knees and Butt Kickers.  

  • SSH x 30 IC (BB)
  • Cotton Pickers x 10 IC (Ultraman)
  • IST x 15 IC (DH)
  • Windmill x 10 IC (Ikea)
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC (BB)

The Thang

Mosey to the planters boxes

  • Single leg step-ups x 10 each leg OYO (BB)
  • Derkins x 10 IC (Ultraman)
  • Dips x 10 IC (Ikea)
  • Burpees x 10 OYO (DH)

Mosey to the rear parking lot, line up facing baskeyball hoops

  • Incline Merkins x 10 IC (Ikea)
    • Run to hoops and back
  • Jump Squats x 10 IC (or 20 single??) (DH)
    • Run to hoops and back
  • Plank Pull-Throughs x 10 IC (Ultraman)
    • Run to hoops and back
  • Burpees x 10 OYO (BB)
    • Run to hoops and back
  • Repeato from the top, decreasing by 1 rep IC each time.  Last set Sprint to hoops and back in between reps.



?Excellent job this morning by everyone.  The PAX didn't shy away when I told them on the spot to come up with exercises to lead.  Not only did they come up with stuff right away, but they were hard!  I am proud of all of you.

Everyone did such a good job with Co-Q this morning, it's time that they step up to Q this workout on their own!  There's open weeks coming up, and I'm looking forward to seeing your names on the calendar.  This morning proved that you are fully capable of bringing the pain, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

We didn't have any time for Mary, but we crossed the finish line after the last set at 6:15 on the dot.  That's using every minute of the workout to the fullest!

It was a quick COT before we left.  During the workout, it was remarked that even though the workout is supposed to be hard, it's also supposed to be fun at the same time.  If it weren't fun, who in their right mind would get out of bed at 4:30am to workout outside in freezing/sweltering conditions?  I'm glad that everyone this morning had such a good time.

As always, it's an honor and privilege to lead you men.  Thank you for the opportunity to do so.

See you again in the gloom.