Concentration Monday @ MMM

Little did the pax know but they were going to have to concentrate this morning because I was bringing some creativity to MMM with unique exercise combinations and some different Mary exercises. The Pax did continue to ask what muscle is this exercise working?


Here is their story:


Mosey toward around parking lot. Butt kickers, high knees, and Carioca mixed in. Circle up for warm-o-Rama.



SSH 25x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Toy soldier 15x IC

Windmill 15x IC


Squat hold curl 12x IC into around the world 12x (clockwise & counterclockwise)

Upright row to overhead press 12x IC

Close grip merkin to squat curl 15x OYO


Pull ups 10x OYO

Dips 20x OYO

Step ups 15x/leg OYO


Deadlift clean snatch 8x/arm OYO 

Lawnmower pull to overhead press 12x/ arm OYO

KB swings to lunge to skull crusher 20x OYO 


Pull ups 10x OYO

Dips 20x OYO

Step ups 15x/leg OYO


KB halo into reverse lunge 10x/leg OYO

Jump squat to figure 8 10x OYO

Curl clean snatch 10x/arm OYO 


Pull ups 10x OYO

Dips 20x OYO

Step ups 15x/leg OYO


Bridge to LBC 12x IC

2 step get up 6x IC/arm

Pull over to Big boi sit up 12x on Q’s up

Side to side V up 12x IC


Recover Recover 








It was nice to work out with some MMM regulars this morning. It has been awhile since I posted here due to the IPC and Q at the Sword last week. 


Good to have Rooter and Qbert join us this morning at MMM.


Stapler is looking for November Q’s.


Get a Shield Lock team together if you haven’t.


Lift up Omega’s family in prayer today as his mother has surgery.


I’ve got the Q at Fallout tomorrow.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Stapler.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie