Conclusion of the Week of the Ponytail with a P50X

Aaah it has been a long but glorious week q'ing. I am however glad to see the conclusion of the week of the ponytail. Today did not disappoint with another steady turnout of over 10 pax. I was blessed to have 10 to 12 pax all week! Today's workout we payed homage to some old Cauldron regulars including Fifty and Spare with the running of the P50X.  We headed up to the 3 floor to get away from camp gladiator and our FIA friends.


20 SSH

15 Windmills

Arm Circles

20 IST

20 Toy Soldiers


Listening to our AI induced female voice, with an aussie accent of course, we started the Tabata app of our doom. This app calls an exercise. There is audio queue to start working out and then when to end. We did 3 sets of each excercise in AMRAP fashion. The timer was 20 seconds on and 10 second breaks. GO!

  • KB Swing
  • Squat to Press
  • KB Curls
  • Lawn Mowers
  • Staggered Merkins
  • Chest Press
  • WWII w/ KB
  • Upright Row
  • KB Squats
  • Skull Crushers
  • Burpees, yes, Burpees
  • LBC w/ KB
  • Russian Twist
  • Power to the People ( in honor of Spare!)
  • Bent over Row
  • Overshead Press
  • Teabag Squat
  • Darcy Swing
  • 8-Count Burners


J-Lo – Amen

KB V-ups – Ultraman


  • Today was fast paced and everyone somewhat liked the tabata. Frogger complained the most but that is typical.
  • Strong showing today gentlemen. I think we even got a small sweat cicle out of Uncle Rico.
  • In what has to be the fastest volunteering of a new MQ, Thr force jumped to the occasion before Utlraman was even finished saying he was looking for a new MQ! Awesome Force!
  • As always, impressive work Gentlemen. I am honor to be a part of F3 and attempting to lead