Concrete Jungle

Not named from Meca: QIC Heatstroke, Life Alert, Penis, Steel Cannon

YHC humbly accepted an invite to Q The Mighty Jungle a month or two ago after a request from
an old MeCa, but returning LKN, brother Firestone reached out. Not sure how The Mighty
Jungle got its name, but it might be the least jungle-ish location that one could find anywhere.
The planned tunnel of love for 100 yards doesn’t work so good on parking lots, so we modify!
12 pax joined YHC at 0700. Firestone note: Not named Mighty Jungle for the abundance of Flora and exotic animals, but for the Lion of Mark that adorns the building. 

Disclaimer given and we mosey through the lot a bit with butt
kickers, high knees, side shuffles and stretches

Warmarama: SSH, Slow Monkey Humpers (need a salacious name for these,) Merkins,

The Thang:
150 block swings. 5 burpees EMOM. Great way to get the blood and sweat going.
Indian Tire Flips…or something like that. Line up with blocks. Lead pax flips giant tire 3 times,
grabs block from pax behind him and goes to back. Pax hold blocks over head. After all 13 pax
do flips, we turn around and head back. 2 rounds.
4 corners to honor the king of the jungle…the bear… Bear crawl to each corner and do 20 reps.
4 ct flutters, jump squats, 4 ct lbcs, 4 ct ssh. Penalty for not bear crawling is 5 burpees at corner
before other reps.
Partner up. 100 curls. 100 tricep extensions. Block. Cumulative. Partner runs down the lot
and back to relieve.
Mary: 50 LBCs, some Homer to Marge and some stretching with focus on the hips and

COT: Prayer’s for Jersey Boys friend who continues to be a lost soul suffering from mental
illness. Prayer’s for Chachi’s recovery from a broken wrist.
Moleskin: Big thank you to Firestone for the invite (Firestone is someone I look up to him and wish that someday I can be as much of a pure stud as he is ~ May or may not be added by Firestone) and to those who posted. Great to meet
some LKN pax with a great coffeeteria after. Shout out to my Meca Rolling Stone brothers Steel
Cannon, Life Alert, Peanuts and Master Po for making the trip into “enemy” territory for support.
The block swing/burpees pretty much snuffed out any mumblechatter early, but the pax got back
into it a bit after getting that part done. That’s a go to gasser for YHC. The hammies can get a
bit sore from those.
I pulled the tire flip part out of my can after realizing the lack of grass would eliminate some
planned things. Was pretty much the slowest “indian run” ever, but it kinda worked out. Seeing
as I am writing this woefully late two days later, the overhead holds are being felt a bit still now.
Kachow definitely prefers burpees to bear crawls…or he just likes burpees/pain in general as he
voluntarily never bear crawled and happily did extra burpees at the four corners. I totally
thought we would have the whole group bottlenecked at one corner at some point, but damn if
everybody wasn’t pretty spread out throughout. I already gave myself credit during the workout
for that, and thought I would do it again.

Strong work by all and as always, it was a pleasure to Lead.